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Simulations for the Selection of Executives - SELEX


There's a link to a "Q & A" at the end of this page.



The Simulations for Executive Selection (SELEX) was developed to assess a number of leadership competencies in selection processes for entry-level executive positions in the federal Public Service. SELEX replaces the Assessment Centre for Executive Appointment (AC for EXA) which had been used since 1992. Like the AC for EXA, the strengthened and modernized SELEX provides departments and agencies with a rigorous, independent, third-party assessment of candidates at the EX minus 1 and 2 levels, aspiring to entry-level executive positions.

Launched in January 2004, SELEX is used exclusively for selection.

In January 2006, following the release of the new corporate Key Leadership Competencies,, SELEX was realigned with the new competencies.

SELEX scores obtained before January 2006, continue to be valid after the realignment with the key leadership competencies.

Overview of SELEX

Developed and administered by the Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC) of the Public Service Commission (PSC), SELEX consists of three interrelated simulations. In these simulations, the candidate assumes the duties and responsibilities of a director in a simulated organization. The three simulations provide the candidate with the opportunity to demonstrate aspects of all of the key leadership competencies by dealing with varied issues and challenges typical of entry-level executive positions. The candidate's behaviour on each of the competencies is observed, recorded and evaluated by trained assessors using standardized rating procedures.

Assessment Process for Candidates


Seven days before participating in SELEX, the candidate receives instructions and background information for preparation, including various information on the simulated organization, the Director's position, the simulations, and the key leadership competencies and behaviours to be assessed. It is very important that candidates review and be familiar with this information before the assessment.

Since the day at SELEX will be stimulating, candidates are advised to have a good night's rest. They are also advised to give themselves plenty of time to arrive at the assessment site so they will not start the day feeling rushed.

The Assessment Day

Briefly summarized, the candidate's day at SELEX proceeds as follows:

  • The candidate prepares for the first simulation which consists of a meeting with both a superior (the Director General), and a peer in the simulated organization. During this meeting, the candidate makes a presentation/briefing and then answers questions.

  • The candidate is provided with material to prepare for the second simulation. After the 30-minute preparation period, the candidate meets with two subordinate managers to reach decisions on varied issues.

  • The candidate is given 25 minutes to prepare for the third simulation, which involves a meeting with an external stakeholder on an issue of mutual concern, and a follow-up meeting with a peer.

In each successive simulation, candidates can use the material that they have previously received and/or prepared.

The roles of others in the simulations (i.e., superior, peers, stakeholder) are assumed by two trained assessors and a psychologist. The assessors are former or current executives. After each simulation, both of the trained assessors use standardized rating materials to evaluate behavioural indicators for each of the competencies.

The Report and Feedback

After the assessment, a report is produced that describes the candidate's performance. The report is provided to the selection board and to the candidate. As well, after the assessment, candidates are given a questionnaire to enable them to provide feedback on their experience at SELEX. Candidates' responses to the questionnaire are used, along with other sources of information, for quality assurance purposes.

After the candidate has received his/her assessment report, a PPC psychologist provides personal feedback to the candidate upon the candidate's request.

Assessment of Members of Designated Employment Equity Groups

For candidates with disabilities, accommodations are made based on the PPC's Guidelines for Assessing Persons with Disabilities. Candidates are advised in their letter of invitation to SELEX that accommodations are available for candidates with disabilities. Prior to assessment, and after discussion with the candidate, a determination is made of what, if any, adjustments are necessary to accommodate the candidate's needs. Occasionally, candidates will not self-identify as a person with a disability until they arrive for assessment. In this case, after discussion with the candidate about what adjustments, if any, are needed, accommodations are made either that day, or as soon as feasible.

The Competencies Assessed

Because it was designed to provide a focussed, streamlined assessment, SELEX assesses aspects of the key leadership competencies important for success as a federal Public Service executive.

The competencies include: values and ethics, strategic thinking, engagement and management excellence. Management excellence is further defined in terms of action management (including some aspects of financial management) and people management. These competencies have been noted as ones that are well assessed by interactive simulations.

The following provides the definitions of these competencies that are assessed by SELEX. These key leadership behaviours (B) are generic and transcend specific executive functions.

Values and Ethics

PS leaders serve Canadians, ensuring integrity in personal and organizational practices, and respect people and PS principles, including democratic, professional, ethical, and people values. They build respectful, bilingual, diverse, and inclusive workplaces where decisions and transactions are transparent and fair. They hold themselves, their employees, and their organizations accountable for their actions.

To demonstrate values and ethics, a director does the following:

B1 Recognizes ethical challenges and ensures the ethical operation of the organization’s business
B2 Incorporates fairness, equity and transparency in executing duties
B3 Values the diversity of people when managing staff and serving the greater public

Strategic Thinking

PS leaders advise and plan, based on analysis of issues and trends, and how these link to the responsibilities, capabilities, and potential of their organization. They scan an ever-changing, complex environment in anticipation of emerging crises and opportunities. They develop well-informed advice and strategies that are sensitive to the various needs of multiple stakeholders and partners, reflect the strategic direction of the PS, and position the organization for success.

To demonstrate strategic thinking, a director does the following:

B1 Provides a coherent picture of multiple issues and projects by analyzing, integrating and accurately interpreting complex information
B2 Demonstrates judgement by making decisions that accurately weigh the organizational, policy and operational impacts of various options for action
B3 Identifies broad strategies to address related issues, in the immediate and longer term (one to two years)
B4 Understands his or her own role and uses the mandate and priorities of the organization to guide the work of the sector.


PS leaders engage people, organizations, and partners in developing goals, executing plans, and delivering results. They lay the groundwork by building coalitions with key players. They mobilize teams, building momentum to get things done by communicating clearly and consistently, investing time and energy to engage the whole organization. They use their negotiation skills and adaptability to encourage recognition of joint concerns, collaboration, and to influence the success of outcomes. They follow and lead across boundaries to engage broad-based stakeholders, partners, and constituencies in a shared agenda and strategy.

To demonstrate engagement, a director does the following:

B1 Uses his or her understanding of how organizations work to get buy-in and support for initiatives
B2 Encourages open communication
B3 Uses communication to manage issues and perceptions
B4 Tailors communication to suit the audience and situation, getting ideas across in a way that others understand
B5 Understands others’ concerns, perspectives and situations and expresses views with respect
B6 Handles difficult interpersonal situations constructively and sensitively, advancing the work of the organization.

Management Excellence

Public Service (PS) leaders deliver results by maximizing organizational effectiveness and sustainability. They ensure that people have the support and tools they need and that the workforce as a whole has the capacity and diversity to meet current and longer-term organizational objectives. They align people, work, and systems with the business strategy to harmonize how they work and what they do. They implement rigorous and comprehensive human and financial resources accountability systems consistent with the MAF. They ensure that the integrity and management of information and knowledge are a responsibility at all levels and a key factor in the design and execution of all policies and programs.

To demonstrate management excellence through action management, a director does the following:

B1 Takes action to make things happen in a timely and efficient manner, anticipating and handling obstacles
B2 Manages financial and technological resources to optimize organizational performance
B3 Performs effectively in changing circumstances with people with different perspectives and situations
B4 Views change as a positive challenge that may also involve risk and experimentation, and capitalizes on change.

To demonstrate management excellence through people management, a director does the following:

B1 Manages human resources, including employment equity, to get the work done
B2 Reinforces positive working relationships and environment by considering the impact of decisions on other’s well-being
B3 Balances the demands from various parts of the organization and the diverse needs of employees and stakeholders
B4 Fosters organizational flexibility by ensuring people get the continuous learning opportunities they need to stay current and to continue to improve.

Questions and Answers



For candidates being assessed using competencies of the leadership profile related to La Relève (for example, cognitive capacity, organizational awareness, etc.,) please click on the following link: Selex-La Relève


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