Alberta WORKink


WORKink Alberta is a virtual employment resource for job seekers with disabilities, entrepreneurs with disabilities, Aboriginals with disabilities, employers, and career practitioners.  WORKink Alberta is connected to all areas of the province through community partnerships with agencies in rural and urban areas.


WORKink Alberta contains job postings, training opportunities, links to helpful web sites, and powerful articles on looking for employment, hiring individuals with disabilities and dismantling barriers to employment.


WORKink also offers online employment counseling services both via email and through a real-time chat room.  Job seekers can easily access these employment services from any Internet computer, which can be helpful for Albertans in rural areas and Albertans who have mobility impairments.  Through the WORKink site, job seekers can participate in Virtual Workshops featuring such topics such as: Disclosing your Disability, Networking and Employer Expectations.  Additionally, employers can hold job interviews, orientations and meet with a disability specialist through chat rooms saving time and money.


WORKink Alberta is hosted by EmployAbilities and operates in partnership with the Canadian Council of Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW), Community Futures Network Society of Alberta (CFNSA) and is funded through Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Community Futures Network Society of Alberta and Oteenow Employment & Training Society.


For more information, please contact:


Employ Abilities logo


Phone (Toll Free): 1-866-945-4633



Last Modified: February 15, 2006
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