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"Skills/Compétences Canada® is a national, not for profit organization that actively promotes careers in skilled trades and technologies to Canadian youth"

csc 2007   STDC EN

Skills/Compétences Canada® is a national, not-for-profit organization that actively promotes careers in skilled trades and technologies to Canadian youth. Along with our private sector partners, we are helping to secure Canada’s future skilled labour needs.

Since its inception in 1989, S/CC has evolved into a pan-Canadian organization offering skilled trades and technology competitions at the regional, provincial/territorial, national and international levels as well as other awareness programs for thousands of young Canadians.

Skills/Compétences Canada is also a founding partner of the national awareness campaign, "Skilled Trades: A Career You Can Build On".

Over the next two decades, employers in Canada will find it difficult to hire and retain skilled workers. We want to help Canada’s industries find well-trained, well-prepared young people to fill these positions.  S/CC wants youth to understand the many opportunities, benefits and rewards of skilled trade and technology careers. Improving the expertise and confidence of individuals pursuing technical careers will benefit us all.



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