Resources -- Books


Parenting Preschool and School-Aged Children

Resource Sheets, bilingual, 48 sheets on a range of topics of interest to parents and caregivers.

Canadian Child Care Federation

Living and Working with Children resource sheets, bilingual, on a range of topics including separation and divorce, children and anger management.

Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs

Self-Help for Parents of Children with Special Needs: A Tool Kit for Parents and Professionals, available in English and French.

Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs

Growing with Your Child, prebirth-age 5, ed., Christine Langlois, 1998, Ballantine Books. To order call: 1-800-461-2942.

Canadian Living Family Book

Raising Great Kids, Ballantine Books. To order call: 1-800-461-2942.

Canadian Living Family Book

Kids Are Worth It ! Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline, Avon Books,1995 -- Practical, philosophical and humorous.

Coloroso, Barbara

Winning at Parenting Without Beating Your Kids, 1989

Coloroso, Barbara

The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon, Addison-Wesley Longman. The source of the now-familiar expression "The Hurried Child": a look at how modern life puts pressures on children; contains strategies and approaches for families to alleviate stress and pressure.

Elkind, David

Parenting on Your Own, U.S., 1997 -- U.S.-based guide for single parents on raising children.

Hunter, Lynda Dr.

Seeds for Success series, Monarch Books, including:

Evelyn A. Petersen

Touchpoints: Your Child’s Emotional and Behavioural Development, 1994 -- Sensitive and practical treatment of child development from one of the most prominent pediatricians in the U.S.

Brazelton, Dr. Terry

If You Could Wear My Sneakers, Firefly Books, 1998. By the renowned Canadian poet, Sheree Fitch, this poety book for preschoolers to teens features a lively and fun interpretation of children’s universal rights through 15 silly and fun poems using animals and animated illustrations. Published in association with UNICEF.

Fitch, Sheree

Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age 5, Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. Universal primer on child and parent development.

Leach, Penelope

Children First: What our society must do - and is not doing – for our children today, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.

Leach, Penelope

365 Wacky, Wonderful Ways to Get Your Children to Do What You Want: Tools for Everyday Parenting, 1995. Practical, humorous ways to deal with children and their ways.

Crary, Elizabeth

Parenting Teens

Understanding Your Teen, ed., Christine Langlois, 1999, Ballantine Books (in collaboration with Canadian Paediatric Society and College of Family Physicians of Canada) To order call: 1-800-461-2942.

Canadian Living Family Book

Adolescence: the Survival Guide for Parents and Teenagers, Houghton-Mifflin, 1996.

Fenwick, Elizabeth and Smith, Tony

Fighting Invisible Tigers: A Stress Management Guide for Teens, 1995.

Hipp, Espeland and Fleishman

Now I Know Why Tigers Eat Their Young, Whitecap Books, 1992.

Marshall, Peter

Parenting on Your Own, U.S., 1997.

Hunter, Lynda Dr.

Parenting Your Teenager

Elkind, David

Raising A Son: Parents and Making of a Healthy Man, Celestial Arts, 1994.


Raising a Daughter: Parents and the Awakening of a Healthy Woman, Celestial Arts, 1994.


Child Care

Choosing with Care: The Canadian Parent’s Practical Guide to Quality Child Care for Infants and Toddlers 1992 Addison-Wesley Publishers Limited. Published in 1992, this book remains a relevant and practical guide for all working parents on choosing, managing and evaluating quality child care. The book is designed to lead parents through the stages of child care beginning with: determining your child care needs and preferences; the types and features of child care; how to search out child care options; assessing child care choices; establishing child care arrangements; family adjustment and accommodation to new child care arrangements; sustaining healthy child care relationships; problem-solving; changing child care arrangements; being a parent advocate for high-quality child care. There are many resources available in the guide, including: evaluation sheets for child caregivers and day care/home child care settings; sample letters of agreement and contracts; health and background information forms. Logistical note: now out of print – about 100 copies available through Andrew Fleck Child Care Services (Ottawa). Available in public libraries.

Brenda Sissons and Heather McDowall Black

Child Care That Works: A Parent’s Guide to Finding Quality Child Care, 1997. Looks at a range of issues regarding quality child care exploring: types of care, how to look for and assess child care, how to be assertive and persistent in your search, tips for easing separation anxiety, ways to finance quality child care.

Eva and Moncrieff Cochran

Family Financial Management

Personal Finance for Dummies for Canadians, IDG Books, 2nd edition. Information on taxation, insurance, real estate, debit cards, mutual funds, banking.

Tyson, Eric and Martin, Tony

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Managing Your Money in Canada, Prentice-Hall.

Heady, Robert and Christy; McDougall, Bruce

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Managing Your Money in Canada, Prentice-Hall.

Ealy, Diane and Lesh, Kay

Our Money, Ourselves: Redesigning Your Relationship with Money, For people who have chronic debt problems or compulsive shopping patterns. A self-help guide which features case studies.


The Wealthy Barber, Stoddart Publishing. Well-known book, easy reading on the basics of money management and investing.

Chilton, David

Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle, Volumes, I, II, III. American source but relevant.

Dacyczyn, Amy (the Tightwad Gazette)

MoneySense: Gaining Control of Your Family Finances, HarperCollins Canada Limited, 1997. Commonsense, 30-day approach to spending wisely, eliminating waste, reducing debt, building a safety net and resolving debt issues.

Black, Thom

Family Activities

Cooperative Sports and Games Book, Kendall Hunt, 1996. Profiles created and collected games based on cooperation not competition.

Orlick, Terry Dr.

The Second Cooperative Sports and Games Book, Kendall Hunt, 1996.

Orlick, Terry Dr.

Internet Field Trips, Addison-Wesley Canada Ltd, 1998. Take a field trip without even leaving your home through the World Wide Web. For teachers and parents.

McDonough, Suzanne and Garfield, Gary

Gigantic Book of Riddles

Sterling Publishing Company Inc., 1998.

Rubberneckers, Raincoast Book Distributors. For long car rides -- children aged 5 and up.

Lore, Matthew and Zimmerman, Robert

1,001 Activities for Children: Simple Games to Help a Child Explore the Wonders of Nature, the Imagination, the Senses, Arts, Crafts, Music and Much, Grammercy, 1999.

Rogovin, Annie

Child’s Play: 200 Instant Crafts and Activities for Preschoolers, Crown Publishers. Collection of 200 crafts, games and activities, science and writing projects, recipes, quiet games and games to play in the car.

Hamilton, Leslie

Backyard Roughing It Easy: Unique Recipes for Outdoor Cooking for Creative Family Fun – All Just Steps from your Back Door, Betterway Publications, 1997. Creative ideas for sharing outdoors fun with family, recipes and simple ways to turn ordinary household items into usable outdoor gear.

Thomas, Dian

Family Health

Well Beings, 1996, English. Comprehensive, 1,000-page plus reference manual on nutrition, preventing and managing illness, emergencies, injury prevention, children with special needs. Includes more than 100 pages of fact sheets, medical forms and other materials that can be photocopied.

Canadian Paediatric Society

Little Well Beings: A Handbook on Health in Family Day Care, English. For caregivers and parents.

Canadian Paediatric Society

Your Child’s Best Shot: a parent’s guide to vaccination, 1997. Spiral bound, covers routine childhood diseases and vaccines with detailed information on vaccine safety, manufacture, effectiveness and side effects.

Canadian Paediatric Society

Johns Hopkins Family Health Book . Comprehensive health resource for home medical reference.

Harper Resource, 1999

Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, William Morrow and Company Incorporated, 1996. Comprehensive health resource for home medical reference.

Larson, David

Dr. Mom, Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 1987. Standard, friendly guide on parenting and health issues – conception to age 5.

Neifert, Marianne, Price, Anne and Dana, Nancy

Healthy Home Cooking: Family Favourites Old and New for Today’s Health Conscious Cooks, Rodale Press Inc., 1995.

Prevention Magazine Health Book Editors

Elder Care

The Eldercare Sourcebook, 1993, Key Porter Books Limited, Toronto. A Canadian sourcebook on services and facilities for elderly family and community members. Logistics: Available in public libraries.

Rhodes, Ann

Long-Distance Caregiving: A Survival Guide for Far Away Caregivers 1996, American Source Books/Impact Publishers, Inc., Lakewood, Colorado. Part of The Working Caregiver Series. An important book for information and advice for the many families who must care from a distance, with all of the specific and unpredictable issues which this situation brings.

Heath, Angela

Care Log: A Planning and Organizing Aid for Long Distance Caregivers.

Heath, Angela

Caring for Yourself While Caring For Your Aging parents: How to Help, How to Survive, 1997. The author uses personal experience, case histories, and interviews with professionals in the geriatric field. Practical tools and advice are provided in order to balance both the needs of the caregiver and aging parent. Information also provided on family-related issues and care options.

Berman, Claire

Combining Work and Elder Care: A Challenge for Now and the Future, 1996.

Hoskins, Irene (ed.)


Flexible Work Arrangements

The Work at Home Balancing Act; The Professional Resource Guide for Managing Yourself, Your Work and Your Family at Home, 1998.

Anderson, Sandy

Put Work in Its Place: How to Redesign Your Job To Fit Your Life, 2nd edition, New Star Books, 1994. Step-by-step approach to help individuals select an alternative work option and prepare a proposal for the employer.

Anderson, Sandy

Time Management

First Things First, Simon and Shuster, 1994. Principle-centred approach to time management and life planning.

Covey, Stephen

It’s About Time, Penguin U.S.A., 1997. Traces time management to procrastination and personality. Readers encouraged to find their own personal style and tailor an individual time management program.

Sapadin, Linda

The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, New Harbinger Publications, 1995. Effective stress reduction techniques and strategies.

Davis, Martha, Eshelman, Elizabeth, McKay, Matthew

Working Women’s Guide to Managing Stress, Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1994. Designed to help women move from feeling overwhelmed to taking an active role in dealing with stress.

Powell, J. Robin

Personal Work/Life Balance

Working Fathers: New Strategies for Balancing Work and Family, 1997. Historical and social look at the role of fathers; practical strategies for fathers to become involved; ways and means/benefits and advantages to creating a more father-friendly workplace.

Levine, James and Pittinsky, Todd

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all small stuff. Series of brief anecdotes encouraging the reader to see the ‘big picture’ and reduce stress caused by life’s daily irritations.

Carlson, Richard

The Work at Home Balancing Act; The Professional Resource Guide for Managing Yourself, Your Work and Your Family at Home, 1998.

Anderson, Sandy

Balancing Work and Family. Guide for balancing and surviving the stresses of work and family. Addresses how to make daily changes and determine real priorities.

Covey, Stephen R.

Balancing Acts: An Inspirational Guide for Working Mothers, Berkley Books, 1998.

Kennedy, Danielle

Solving the Work/Family Puzzle, Business One Irwin: Homewood, 1992.

Michaels, Bonnie and McCarty, Elizabeth

The Second Shift

Hothschild, Arlie

Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work, Henry Holt and Co,. 1997.

Hothschild, Arlie

Work Less, Live More: A Women’s Guide, Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1997. Discussion, based on author’s own experiences, on the meaning of work and the choices that are out there for women and mothers. Five strategies offered for reworking your life.

Brook, Paula

Having It All, Having Enough: How to Create a Career/Family Balance That Works For You, Amacon, 1997. Individual and social strategies to better balance work and personal life.

Lee, D.


Canadian Families, 1994. Published in the International Year of the Family, this small booklet has many interesting statistics and perspectives on today’s families and the need for support of families.

The Vanier Institute of the Family

From the Kitchen to the Boardroom Table, Ottawa, 1997. Using Canadian statistics, a look at the connections between work and family.

The Vanier Institute of the Family

Creating Work and Life Integration Solutions, 1998. Report based on an academic-business partnership research project that explored workplace innovations for the employees of the Fleet Financial group, with the goal of developing strategies to meet business goals and enhance the well-being of employees’ families.

Radcliffe Public Policy Institute and Fleet Financial Group

Canada Committee for the International Year of the Family, 1994. The Work and Family Challenge: Issues and Options, 1994. Information on changes in family and the workplace. Explores several, different workplace approaches for the better balancing of family and work responsibilities, including child and elder care assistance, flexible work arrangements.

Conference Board of Canada

Strategies for Working Families, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, 1994. For union and community activists, information on working family issues, family leave, flexible work options and workplace services.

de Wolff, Alice

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