Organizations Local and National



Canadian Association for Young Children (C&FC; Partner):

A national association concerned with the well-being of children aged 0-9 years, at home, in preschool settings and at school. Members include parents, teachers, caregivers, administrators, students. Hosts annual conference, regional and provincial events, publishes multi-disciplinary journal, Canadian Children.

Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (C&FC; Partner):

National Association of individuals and organizations dedicated to strengthening families through community-based, prevention-oriented programs and services. Newsletter, annual conference, publications (with member discounts on publications).

Family Service Canada (C&FC; Partner):

National, not-for-profit, voluntary organization established in 1992 to represent the concerns of families and family-serving agencies across Canada. Members include family service agencies, corporations, government agencies and individuals. Services include public awareness activities (National Family Week public service announcements and media campaigns, newsletters and bulletins), certification program for Family Life Educators, coordination of a national Employee Assistance Program, consultation services for members, promotion of family-centred programs and social policies, leadership training, partnerships and special projects

Voices for Children (C&FC; Partner):

National organization promoting the importance of children’s healthy development through comprehensive public education on behalf of a multi-sectoral coalition whose members share a common vision about society’s responsibility for the well-being of all children and youth. Wealth of resources (fact sheets, publications) on children and child development available through the organization and its website.

The Vanier Institute of the Family (C&FC; Partner):

National, voluntary organization that promotes the well-being of Canadian families through a membership of over 500 lawyers, researchers, professional associations, teachers, libraries and community groups.

Canadian Institute of Child Health (C&FC; Partner)

National, non-profit organization with membership of more than 550 individuals and organizations, Founded in 1977, CICH is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and youth in Canada.

B.C. Council for Families

The mission of the Council is to "strengthen, encourage and support families through information, education, research and advocacy." Activities and services for B.C. and Canadian residents include sponsorship of forums and conferences, resources and publications, quarterly magazine, Family Connections, and Resource Centre. Memberships available. Contact 1 604 660-0675.

Youth Services Bureaus

In communities offer a range of services to teens and their parents (see yellow pages or community directory).

Child Care

Child Care Information

Ottawa-Carleton, Ontario-based, bilingual child care information and referral service. Maintains inventory of available child care options; counsels families on child care choices; publishes annual day care centre and nursery school directories and information guides for parents seeking child care.

Canadian Child Care Federation

National, bilingual organization whose mandate it is to improve the quality of child care services across Canada for Canadian families.

Child & Family Canada

Consortium of 47 non-profit organizations working with children and families. Specific information on child care available on thir comprehensive Child Care Page.

West Coast Child Care Resource Centre, Vancouver, BC

Information and referral services, resources. Contact (604) 739-3099. Community Information Services – if available, at the community level, will provide information on child care options and organizations (see yellow pages or community directory).

Family Resource Centres and Community Centres (see yellow pages or community directory).

Local Health Departments and Quebec-based CLSC’s may have information on child care and information resources (see yellow pages or community directory).

Family Financial Management

Credit Counselling Services

Available in many communities, often operating as not-for-profit organizations (see yellow pages or community directory).

Family Activities

Canadian Toy Testing Council (C&FC; partner)

Not-for-profit organization dedicated to evaluating toys and educational software programs for their design, function, durability and play value. Information provided in its annual The Toy Report a year-round guide to hundreds and hundreds of toys tested by children from birth to 12 years; listing of toy manufacturers; toy retailers’ information; articles relating to various types of toys.

Family Health

Canadian Paediatric Society (C&FC; Partner)

National, advocacy organization representing approximately 2,200 paediatricians. Promotes quality health care for children. Publishes Paediatrics and Child Health monthly.

Canadian Institute of Child Health (C&FC; Partner)

National, non-profit organization with membership of more than 550 individuals and organizations, Founded in 1977, CICH is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and youth in Canada.

Elder Care

Canadian Association for Community Care (C&FC; Partner)

(Formerly Home Support Canada and the Canadian Long Term Care Association), CCAC is a national, charitable organization which promotes the development of a range of high-quality, flexible, responsive and accessible community care services in the continuum of health care in Canada. Serves over 1,200 members (agencies and organizations) providing direct community care services such as meals on wheels, home support and long-term care. Publications of interest for families on topics such as care for the caregiver, respite services for children available through CCAC.

One Voice – The Canadian Seniors Network

Home Adaptation for Seniors Independence (HASI) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Division of Aging and Seniors, Public Health Agency of Canada

National Advisory Council on Aging, Ottawa

Provincial government seniors’ secreteriats will provide information on services and benefits available (see blue pages in local directory).

Local Councils on Aging Provides information on health and social services, housing, recreational services and long-term care facilities (see yellow pages or community directory)

For recreational, social clubs for elderly relatives or family information and counselling services consult yellow pages or community directory


Flexible Work Arrangements

New Ways to Work. California: (415) 995-9860 or at

National, non-profit research, training and advocacy organization for flexible work options.

Work Place Health

Health Canada, Environmental and Workplace Health

Local Health Departments, CLSC’s in Québec and community health centres may distribute resource materials on workplace health (consult blue pages in telephone book or community directory)


The Vanier Institute of the Family (C&FC; Partner)

National, voluntary organization that promotes the well-being of Canadian families through a membership of over 500 lawyers, researchers, professional associations, teachers, libraries and community groups. The institute sponsors and publishes a number of research publications on Canada’s families – from children to the elderly.

Canadian Council on Social Development (C&FC; Partner)

National, non-profit organization established in 1920. Work focuses on research and analysis of social and economic trends and their effects on the lives of Canadians. Publishes the quarterly journal, Perception and many research publications on employment, children and families.

Voices for Children (C&FC; Partner)

National organization that promotes the importance of children’s healthy development through comprehensive public education on behalf of a multi-sectoral coalition whose members share a common vision about society’s responsibility for the well-being of all children and youth. Wealth of resources on children and child development available through the organization and its web site. For research: information on demographics, families, children, child development etc. Many reference documents cited.

Centre for Research and Education on Women and Work, Carleton University, Ottawa.

Established in 1992 to facilitate both research and education on women and work. Centre supports research on issues which affect women in the workplace.

Families and Work Institute, New York. Contact: (212) 465-2044 or at

National, non-profit organization engaged in research, strategic planning and consulting on changing workforce and effect on family/personal lives. Many publications and studies available.

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