Resources -- Web Sites


Parenting Pre-school and School-Aged Children

Canadian Parents Online has a panel of experts available to help with all aspects of being a parent. Most questions are answered on individual expert bulletin boards. Questions of a more personal nature are answered by e-mail.

Child & Family Canada is all about child care, child development, parenting, health, safety, literacy, media influences, nutrition, physical activities, play, family life, adolescence, learning activities, social issues and special needs.

Parenting Teens

Website sponsored by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, a non-profit organization working to minimize the harm associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

A Canadian website sponsored by B.C. Council for Families that lists various resources.

Health and family forums include discussion items about teenagers.

Child Care

(Canadian, Bilingual) The site of Child and Family Canada, a collaboration of over 40 participating organizations; includes information for families on choosing and maintaining quality child care.

(Calgary, English) On-line resources for parents searching for quality child care; Parents helping Parents forum; Choosing Child Care tools that can be ordered from the website; free library access to child care resources.

(Ontario, currently English) Website on the unique Ottawa-based Short Term Child Care program. Includes information on defining emergency child care and benefits of emergency child care to parents and employers. Outlines research initiatives sponsored by the STCC program.

(American) Website sponsored by Ohio University Extension lists over 100 resources relevant to work and families including child care.

Family Activities

Choose one of the many topics listed to find games and activities, materials, and hints for teaching children and family members important family principles and values.

The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) at NASA/ GSFC. An interactive site and learning centre for young astronomers.

The Headbone Derby is a series of FREE INTERNET RESEARCH TOOLS designed for 4th through 8th grade students. Each Derby is a story about the adventures of a dynamic cast of characters and involves subjects that are important to kids. Each story has seven episodes. Each episode ends with a PUZZLE. To solve the puzzles, students are directed through the World Wide Web. Students submit their answers on-line and are awarded points as they complete the puzzles. to students is immediate. Each puzzle is designed to take approximately 45 to 50 minutes to solve.

Family Health

A comprehensive website connected to the Advancing Women site for women in the workplace devoted to women’s health issues.

The breadth and depth of Mayo's expertise presents the most up-to-date information on a wide variety of health topics.

Canadian medical service called Ask the Doctors. There's a searchable index to check before asking a question. All sorts of things are covered, from hand tremors to chronic fatigue syndrome. If there isn't already an answer to your question, just fill in the e-mail form. Your name will be removed when the e-mail is received, so your question stays anonymous. The doctors participating in this service are from around the world, and there's a set of links to their own pages or those of their organizations.

This site will help you maintain your most precious resource – your health. Links are organized by topic and cover a range of subjects that include Adolescent sexuality, immunization and hormone replacement therapy. Developed by Tom Flemming, head of Public Service at McMaster University Health Sciences Library.

A website promoting the health and well-being of Canadian children through 500 individual and organization members.

This site, from Neumers Foundation offers extensive information on childhood illness and health issues and provides information to parents and children. The articles are well-written and annotated.

Elder Care

Ce site touche sur les âinés et les ordinateurs, les aidant à comprendre l’internet et leurs propre ordinateur.

Over 5,000 links to site of interest for the over 50 age group. Practical information relative to seniors lifestyles. Excellent Canadian resources.

The Alzheimer society of Canada provides information and support to caregivers of seniors and funds caregiving research to help those living with the disease.

A bilingual website with information about arthritis, its treatment and helpful management tips.

(Canadian, Bilingual) Practical information about incontinence and an extensive resource order form including videos, newsletters, information sheets and books.

(Canadian, Bilingual) Comprehensive information about home care in Canada. A wide array of resources and support services that enable seniors to remain in their homes and in their communities. The site includes information, newsletter, publications and related sites.

(Canadian) A national information source to provide resource and support to caregivers. The Caregiver Bulletin Board enables caregivers to interact with other caregivers to find help, support and answers to questions.

(Ontario) A senior’s resource guide to retirement homes, long-term care homes (nursing homes/homes for the aged) supportive housing, home health care services and community support sevices in Ontario.

(American) One of the oldest and most comprehensive eldercare gateways on the World Wide Web. Elderweb is an online sourcebook with over 4,000 reviewed links to information about health, financing, housing, aging and other issues related to the care of the frail and elderly.

An online support service for caregivers of an aging relative, friend or neighbour. The site includes an e-mail support group, regular features offering insights into and information on the role of a family caregiver; an online caregiving journal and an online interactive support section.


Flexible Work Arrangements

(American) A website for people who work nights and those who care about them. A selection of articles to assist couples where one or both partners are involved with shiftwork. Some titles provided under "Relationships" include: Job Sharing on the Home Front; Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize When the Prize is One Another; Protect Family Values – Just Say No to Demands on Your Time.

(American) A website which focuses on ways for individuals and families to negotiate a better balance between work and home. Features include: Mistakes to Avoid when Negotiating a Flexible Work Arrangement; Overcoming Your Boss’s Objections; Telecommuting Proposal: special items to include; job-sharing proposal; compressed work week – pros and cons; part-time work arrangement – how you can afford it. Links to other sites. Also features information on software program, "Flex Success."

Workplace Health

Health Canada has upgraded its health promotion site, and it now indexes information on a variety of Canadian health issues including health in the workplace. New information is being added on a regular basis.

Put together by a group of writers, artists and musicians, this is a website to visit for those needing a break from working at their computer. The "meditation room" provides you with a window and drifting clouds to focus on.

Sponsored by the Workers Health and Safety Centre, the objective of the site is to help overcome such workplace hazards as stress, air quality and exposure to hazardous materials and improve health and safety at workplaces across Ontario.

Time Management

Lots of valuable information that you can read, download or print; including time-saving tips, quotes and research provided by time management consultants – Productivity Pace.

Offering home organizing and time management skills for busy parents.

The online magazine for "Work At Home Moms." Great content & fun!

Personal Work/Life Balance

Balancing work and family is difficult. This is a place for you to share what has worked for your family.

Stop working and start laughing. Working at home or at the office can be stressful. Stop and have a humour break.


Canadian Council on Social Development. Research on and analysis of social and economic trends and their effects on the lives of Canadians.

The Conference Board of Canada. Provides associate members with information and analysis on economic and public policy issues and has been researching work and family issues since the late 1980s.

The Vanier Institute of the Family. A national charitable organization that researches the demographic, economic, social and health influences on contemporary family life. Its membership is broadly based and includes representatives from several sectors, including industry, education and health and community services.

Work & Family Connections. A clearinghouse of information about work/life issues and practices.

Statistics Canada. Direct access to databases and statistical information on Canada’s social and economic status including information on Canadian families and work.

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