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Lone Ranger Not A Racist

Feature Article
A Crash Course on Canadian Employment Law for Americans
by  J. Talbott, LL.B.

“What do you mean we can’t just fire her?” It is a question often asked by American managers coming to grips with Canada’s employment laws. And, as American corporations continue to open branches in Canada, or simply buy Canadian companies, this question and others like it are begging to be answered. So, offered as a primer for Americans managing employees in Canada, this article will cover some of the key differences between employment law in the two countries.
First off, dismissing an employee who has committed no wrong without any compensation is as unthinkable in Canada as Thanksgiving in November. At-will employment—as it is known in the U.S.—is effectively barred by Canadian employment laws. So, how to terminate an employee? Generally, there are two choices—either locate evidence of just cause, or pay the employee to go.

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Feature Article
Feature Article
Hearing What The Union Negotiator Is Really Saying
How to Completely Eliminate Office Gossip (Yeah, right)
by Ken B. Godevenos  

Recently, when asked to lead the negotiations for a particular client, I asked to see the documentation from the last time around.  To my pleasant surprise I learned they actually utilized a stenographer to provide transcripts of the meetings between the parties.  Providing me with some incredible reading material, the transcripts also helped me notice what some of the union bargaining tactics really were.

by R. Summerhurst and J. Talbott

Hello, and welcome to Silencio Inc., a workplace that prides itself on having completely eliminated its office gossip.

Since eliminating office gossip there is much good news—well, actually, no news whatsoever. But, based on our observations, it appears employees now patiently chew their fingernails to stubs while awaiting the executive director’s semi-annual communiqués . . . .

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News Story
Feature Article
When Employers Bend the Law can Employees Refuse to Work?
Free Employment Policies Written by Lawyers!

by Jorge Talbott, LL.B

For refusing to participate in a plan they thought was illegal, Diane Roden and Karen Mottram were fired by the Toronto Humane Society.

Drafting employment policies often vexes employers and their managers. After all, if you make a mistake drafting a harassment policy, you may inadvertently contravene local human rights laws, and may incur expensive liability.
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