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Go to Steps to Competitiveness 
Step 1: Needs Assessment
Step 2: Strategic Planning
Step 3: Financing
Step 4: Technology
Step 5: Human Resources
Step 6: Marketing
Step 7: Partnerships
Step 8: Quality Assurance
Step 9: A New Service
 Steps to Competitiveness

Human Resources Planning


This diagnostic is divided into ten sections, each with ten statements. You may choose to do as many sections as you wish. Click on the link that interests you most, or go through them one at a time. When you have completed the sections that interest you, jump to the "submit" button to have your responses analyzed.

Each of the statements in the following ten sections describe various aspects of your company's human reource practices and policies. For each statement you are required to give two responses, How True and How Desirable.

How True indicates the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement with respect to your current human resource practices.

  1. Disagree
  2. Somewhat Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat Agree
  5. Agree

How Desirable indicates the relative desirability of the statement in future human resource practices.

  1. Very Undesirable
  2. Undesirable
  3. Neutral
  4. Desirable
  5. Very Desirable

Please read each statement carefully. Be sure to give an objective evaluation, rating the actual current and desired reponse.

When you are satisfied with your responses mouse click on the Submit link.

A-Human Resource Planning
C-Employee Orientation
D-Employee Communication
E-Performance Appraisal
F-Job Definition
G-Training & Development
H-Compensation & Benefits
I-Employee Relations
J-Health & Safety


Human Resource Planning

How True? How desirable?
1. The company's strategic business plan covers more than the current fiscal year
2. Human resource planning is an integral component of the strategic business planning cycle
3. Our human resource forecasts provide the basis for recruitment planning
4. We do manpower forecasting for the near, medium and long term
5. A Human Resource Information System is used to support the human resource planning process
6. Managers and supervisors are asked to provide manpower forecasts for their departments
7. Changing trends in the community workforce are monitored
8. Succession planning is integral to the human resource planning process
9. Managers and supervisors are required to develop succession plans for their departments
10. Departmental succession plans are linked to individual employee career development plans
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How True? How desirable?
1. Recruitment strategies are based on long term manpower forecasts
2. Job descriptions are pre-requisite components of our recruitment plans and identify the required skill-set for each job candidate
3. The company recruits with both the short and long-term needs in mind
4. Reference checks are made for all short-listed job applicants
5. Managers and supervisors are closely involved in the recruitment process
6. All information gathered from short listed job candidates is verified
7. Managers and supervisors understand the company's recruitment objectives and targets
8. Our company policy is to promote from within
9. All job openings are posted internally prior to the external recruiting cycle
10. Managers and supervisors are trained in interview techniques
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Employee Orientation

How True? How desirable?
1. The company's vision and mission statement are clear and documented in the employee handbook
2. The employee orientation program describes the corporate vision and mission
3. Responsibility for new employee orientation is clearly defined
4. New employee orientation is coordinated between the new employee and the hiring manager / supervisor
5. Hiring managers / supervisors are involved in the continuous improvement of the employee orientation program
6. New employee's understand the company's position with respect to hiring probation
7. Managers and supervisors are knowledgeable about the employee orientation process
8. The performance of new employees is reviewed on a timely basis and is consistent with any probation period
9. The employee handbook is available for employee orientation and is up to date
10. The new employee orientation program is part of the H.R. departments continuous improvement process
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Employee Communication

How True? How desirable?
1. The company proactively rewards employee achievements through company sponsored events and awards, employee recognition plaques & awards and other formal ways of recognizing outstanding performance.
2. Managers and supervisors are trained in listening skills and giving feedback
3. Bulletin boards are used to keep employees up to date
4. Employee suggestions from a company suggestion box are encouraged and appropriately rewarded by the company
5. An employee produced company newsletter is used to keep employees up to date
6. Employee communication surveys are regularly used to survey employee attitudes and feelings
7. Results and actions arising from employee surveys are communicated to all employees
8. Managers, supervisors and senior management keep employees up to date on company activities
9. Employee quality circles are encouraged to support product improvement ideas
10. Senior management is involved in the employee communication policy
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Performance Appraisal

How True? How desirable?
1. Job descriptions and standards are integral to the performance appraisal cycle
2. Peers are asked to give input on performance appraisals
3. Performance appraisal records provide the basis for salary adjustments
4. Employee performance is linked to career development
5. Next higher level management reviews and approves all employee performance appraisals
6. Employees can review their performance appraisals with next higher level management
7. Corrective action plans exist for substandard employee performance
8. Employees have input about the performance of their manager / supervisor
9. Managers and supervisors performance appraisals are influenced by their sub-ordinates performance
10. Managers and supervisors are involved in the continuous improvement of the performance appraisal system
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Job Definition

How True? How desirable?
1. Jobs are defined based on human resource needs
2. Technology determines the way jobs are defined
3. Business processes determine the ways jobs are defined
4. All jobs have written job descriptions adequately describing the role and the activities necessary to perform the job to required quality standards
5. Approved job descriptions are pre-requisite for recruitment and selection
6. A list of mandatory & preferred job skills and experience requirements exist for all job specifications
7. Employees understand their job standards and know what is expected of their role in their department
8. Job descriptions are kept up to date
9. Employees, managers and supervisors have the opportunity to design their own jobs
10. Job descriptions and standards are reviewed by senior management
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Training & Development

How True? How desirable?
1. Employee performance appraisals are used to identify training needs
2. Organizational competencies are continually monitored and targeted by training and development plans
3. Training and development plans meet the career development needs of employees at all levels in the company
4. The success of training programs is objectively and effectively measured
5. On the job application of training is quantitatively measured by quality systems where appropriate
6. Senior management allocates sufficient resources to ensure the success of training and development programs
7. Employees are involved in the development of training programs
8. Managers and supervisors are evaluated on the career development progress of their staff
9. Training and development planning is integral to the business planning process to limit the impact of skills shortage and obsolescence
10. Training and development plans address both the technical skills and management development needs of the company
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Compensation & Benefits

How True? How desirable?
1. Job descriptions and standards are periodically evaluated and are up to date
2. Compensation and benefits policies are understood by employees and are documented in the employee handbook
3. Compensation practices comply with labour laws and meet the needs of hourly and salaried employees
4. Compensation policies ensure that salaries and wages are competitive in the industry
5. Salary administration is linked to performance appraisals
6. Employees are satisfied with their total compensation and benefits package
7. The benefits program is reviewed annually for competitiveness and cost effectiveness
8. Benefits packages offered are flexible to employee needs offering innovative options such as flexible work plans, job sharing, RSP and/or profit sharing.
9. Managers and supervisors understand the salary and benefits systems
10. Senior management is committed to ensuring the competitiveness of company compensation and benefits packages
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Employee Relations

How True? How desirable?
1. Human Resources policies and practices are consistent with federal and provincial labour standards
2. The company places emphasis on equity in its Human Resources practices
3. The company's Human Resource policies support the needs of business, labour and special interest groups
4. Management has clearly defined roles and responsibilities for providing support to managers and supervisors who require support in addressing the needs of business, labour or special interest groups
5. Company policies promote fair and competitive compensation practices for all employees
6. Employee job security is a prime concern to management
7. Employees are empowered to perform their jobs and understand the performance standards of their position
8. Employee surveys are used to monitor employee attitudes
9. Managers and supervisors are knowledgeable on labour laws and know who to contact for additional support
10. The company's open communication policy supports a positive employee relations culture
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Health & Safety

How True? How desirable?
1. Safety policies are understood by employees and documented in the employee handbook
2. Job safety standards are observed by employees for all jobs
3. A safety committee / co-ordinator maintains and monitors safety records effectively
4. All employees are accountable for safety
5. Accident prevention is a concern of senior management
6. Health policies are understood by employees and documented in the employee handbook
7. Health and fitness programs are an integral component of the employee benefits package
8. Records are maintained and monitored for loss-of-work due to health and safety factors
9. Workplace health hazards are clearly identified to all employees
10. First aid and emergency response teams exist in the company
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    Updated: 2003-12-16
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