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Labour Arbitration Decision Information System (LADIS)

LADIS is a new online search engine for labour arbitration decisions filed with the Department of Labour. The system enables clients to search arbitration decisions, using keywords, phrases and a table of contents.

  • LADIS provides clients with electronic full-text search capabilities of arbitration decisions filed with the Department of Labour since 2000.
  • LADIS' clients may review arbitration decisions online and print excerpts or entire decisions.
  • LADIS is user-friendly and provides the client with easy access to recent arbitration decisions on file with the Department of Labour.
  • LADIS is a useful research tool for union and employer representatives, labour lawyers, researchers, librarians, students, and industrial relations and human resources professionals in general.
  • LADIS is provided as a free service through the Department of Labour Web site. No subscription is required and no password is needed.
  • For further information on LADIS, contact the Policy and Planning Branch of the Department of Labour at 729-7458, or E-Mail the Branch at
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