

Education Planner is endorsed by the public post-secondary institutions of BC, managed by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer, and funded by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education.

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Education Planner replaces Opening Doors.

Program listing

Information on undergraduate program availability, application dates, tuition costs, admission requirements, lengths, and much more at BC's 26 public post-secondary institutions.

For an overview, start with the Who Offers What section. Otherwise, begin by selecting a search filter:


New! Co-op & Work Experience Search

You can now search the database for co-op education and work experience programs.  

Education Planner has new programs and a new institution to check out.  

The British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) has made every effort to ensure that the information included in Education Planner is kept as current and accurate as possible.  


Focus Now

Program searching by focus area for grade 10-12 BC secondary students:


Information on BC's apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs:

Graduate level

Search the list of graduate programs offered in BC: