Saskatchewan News Index

Saskatchewan News Index 1884-2000

This web site offers a searchable index of stories published in Saskatchewan newspapers. The project consolidated and digitized numerous print indexes. Please see the information on scope and coverage for details on the newspapers included and types of stories indexed.

We are interested in hearing from scholars who find the index useful in their work.


Fulltext Saskatchewan News Stories, mid-1990's -

Current full text stories from six Saskatchewan newspapers are available in the Canadian Newsstand.

Getting Copies of Historical Newspaper Stories

  • Read the story online - only a few are digitized
  • Look up the story on newspaper microfilm reels at your local library. University of Saskatchewan students and faculty can locate microfilm holdings by searching the library catalogue.
  • If you are not associated with the University of Saskatchewan Libraries, usually your local public library can arrange to get copies for you.

    Top News Stories from 1884 - 2000

Read Top Stories
  • Coverage and Updates to Index

    Abstract Copyright Credits Feedback
    Canada's Digital Collections
    This digital collection was produced under contract
    to Canada's Digital Collections
    by the University of Saskatchewan Libraries.