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Older News December 01,2006 - Volume 15 No. 45
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After last week’s announcement by the RCMP that an on-line gaming site located in Kahnawake had connections to the Italian Mafia, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission launched its own investigation. Since November 2004, has been licensed by the KGC, and has operated out of ...

Icon2,000 turn out for the Holiday Train
author: Jordan Standup
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Canadian Pacific Railway’s Holiday Train came barreling down the tracks to arrive at Adirondack Junction, where community members were awaiting its arrival at 6:40 p.m. on Wednesday.
The crowd of nearly 2,000 erupted into a thunderous cheer, dashing to the tracks as the brig ...

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Members of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples visited Kahnawake earlier this week. The Monday visit was a part of a fact-finding mission that is part of an ongoing study concerning Aboriginal economic development.
“One of the things we hope to demonstrate in ...

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Roughly 35 community members showed up for the Fall Community Meeting at the Golden Age Club this week. On the agenda were land allotments, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake’s priority-setting session and an open discussion. All but three Chiefs were present. Chiefs Martin Leborgne ...

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