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Rôles des soldats, milice canadienne, 1837-1850 (MG 13 WO13) : Liste des numéros de bobines de microfilm

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Microfilm   Volume   Description Date
B-2916     3673     1st and 2nd Addington Dragoons 1838-1839
B-2916   3673   1st and 2nd Addington Militia 1838-1839
B-2916   3673   Adelaide Express Riders 1838-1839
B-2916   3673   American Rifles (British) 1838-1839
B-2916   3673   Amherst Island Militia 1838-1839
B-2916   3673   Amherst Artillery 1838-1839
B-2917   3674   Bank Guard Detachments 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Barnston Loyal Volunteers 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Beauharnois Volunteer Cavalry 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Beauharnois Loyal Volunteers 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Belleville Independent Volunteer Company 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Blairfindie Loyal Volunteers 1837-1839
B-2917   3674   Bond Head Independent Company 1837-1839
B-2976   3675   Brantford Cavalry Troop 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Brantford Light Infantry 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Brantford Volunteer Guard 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Brockville Dragoons. 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Brockville Artillery 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Brockville Independent Company 1838-1839
B-2976   3675   Bytown Loyal Volunteers 1838-1839
B-2977   3676   Camerons Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cayerga Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Chamberly Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Chateauguay Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Chatham Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Clarenceville Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cobourg Rifles 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cobourg Militia 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cornwall Cavalry 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cornwall Artillery 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cornwall Light Infantry 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Coteau du Lac Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cote St. George Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2977   3676   Cote St. Paul Volunteers 1837-1840
B-2995   3677   Dennison' s Volunteers 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Draper's Volunteers 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Duggans' Cavalry 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Dundas Militia 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Dundee Local Militia 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Dunville Volunteers 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Durham Militia 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   2nd Durham Militia 1832-1839
B-2995   3677   Durham Volunteers 1832-1839
B-3159 et B-3160   3678   Essex Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3159 et B-3160   3678   Essex Militia 1837-1840
B-3160 et B-3161   3679   Frelighsburg Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3160 et B-3161   3679   Frontier Mounted Police 1837-1840
B-3160 et B-3161   3679   Frontier Light Infantry 1837-1840
B-3161   3680   1st & 2nd Frontenac Dragoon 1837-1840
B-3161   3680   lst, 2nd & 3rd Frontenac Militia 1837-1840
B-3161 et B-3162   3681   Glengarry Highlanders of Lancaster, Lochiel & Williamstown 1838-1843
B-3161 et B-3162   3681   1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Glengarry Militia 1838-1843
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   Gore Cavalry 1837-1839
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th & 11th Gore Militia 1837-1839
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   Gore Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   Grand River Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   1st Grenville Militia 1837-1839
B-3162 à B-3164   3682   2nd Grenville Sedentary Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3164 et B-3165   3683   Haldimand Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3164 et B-3165   3683   1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Hastings Militia 1837-1840
B-3164 et B-3165   3683   Hatley Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3164 et B-3165   3683   Hemmingford Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Henryville Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Howard Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Huntingdon Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Huntingdon Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Huron Militia 1837-1843
B-3165 et B-3166   3684   Huron Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3166   3685   Incorporated Dragoons 1838-1843
B-3167 et B-3168   3686   1st Battalion Incorporated Militia 1838-1840
B-3168 et B-3169   3687   1st Battalion Incorporated Militia 1841-1843
B-3169   3688   2nd Battalion Incorporated Militia 1838-1840
B-3170   3689   2nd Battalion Incorporated Militia 1841-1843
B-3170 et B-3171   3690   3rd Battalion Incorporated Militia 1838-1843
B-3171 et B-3172   3691   4th Battalion Incorporated Militia 1838-1843
B-3172 et B-3173   3692   5th Battalion Incorporated Militia 1840-1843
B-3173 et B-3174   3693   Incorporated Militia, 1st and 2nd Coloured Companies 1837-1842
B-3173 et B-3174   3693   Coloured Company 1837-1842
B-3173 et B-3174   3693   Indian Warriors 1837-1842
B-3173 et B-3174   3693   Ingersoll Independent Company 1837-1842
B-3173 et B-3174   3693   Jerusalem Volunteers 1837-1842
B-3174   3694   Kennebeck Rangers 1838-1843
B-3174   3694   Kent Militia 1838-1843
B-3174   3694   Kildare Militia 1838-1843
B-3174   3694   Kilkenny Militia 1838-1843
B-3174   3694   Kingston Artillery 1838-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   3rd Lacadie 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   LaCole & Hemmingford Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   LaChute Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   LaChine Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   Lake Shore Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   3rd Lanark Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   Laprairie Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   Leeds Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   2nd Leeds Militia 1837-1843
B-3174 et B-3175   3695   6th Leeds Militia 1837-1843
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   1st & 2nd Lenox Militia 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Lincoln Dragoons 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Lincoln Militia 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   Lloyd Town Militia 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   London Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   Long Point Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   Longeui]. Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3175 et B-3176   3696   Longeuil Infantry 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   Medorte Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   Middlesex Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Middlesex Light Infantry 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   Missiskoui Dragoons 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   Missiskoui Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3176 et B-3177   3697   Missiskoui Borderers 1837-1840
B-3177 à B-3179   3698   Montreal Cavalry 1837-1850
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Montreal Artillery 1837-1840
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Montreal Light Infantry 1837-1840
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Montreal Rifles 1837-1840
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Montreal Militia 1837-1840
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Montreal Volunteers (1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalion) 1837-1840
B-3179 et B-3180   3699   Moore's Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Napierville Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Naval Brigade Marines 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Newmarket Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Niagara Fencibles 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Niagara Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   Norfolk Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3180   3700   1st and 2nd Norfolk Militia 1837-1840
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   1st Northumberland Cavalry 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   1st Northumberland Militia 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   2nd (Bemish) Northumberland Militia 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   3rd and 4th Northumberland Militia 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   Noyan Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   Odelltown Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   Ottawa Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   Op's Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3180 et B-3181   3701   Oxford Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Palmer' s Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Paris Guard 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Penatanguishene Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Penatanguishene Commuted Pensioners 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Perth Artillery 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Petite Cote Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Plympton & Sarnia Militia 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Polton Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Port Hope Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prescott Artillery 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prescott Militia 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prescott Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prescott Reserves 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prince Edward Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3181 et B-3182   3702   Prince Edward Militia 1837-1840
B-3182   3703   Provisional Artillery 1837-1842
B-3182   3703   Provisional Marines 1837-1842
B-3182   3703   Provisional Militia 1837-1842
B-3182 et B-3183   3704   1838-1840 1837-1842
B-3182 et B-3183   3704   1st, 2nd & 3rd Provisional Battalion 1837-1842
B-3182 et B-3183   3704   4th Provisional Battalion (Glengarry High.) 1837-1842
B-3182 et B-3183   3704   5th Provisional Battalion 1837-1842
B-3183 à B-3185   3705   6th, 7th and 8th Provisional Battalions 1838-1839
B-3183 à B-3185   3705   9th Provisional Battalion (Queen's Royal Borderers) 1838-1839
B-3183 à B-3185   3705   10th, 11th & 12th Provisional Battalions 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Cava1ry 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Artillery 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Engineer Rifles 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Light Infantry 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Volunteers 1838-1839
B-3185   3706   Queen's Artificers 1838-1839
B-3185 et B-3186   3707   Queen's Light Dragoons 1837-1850
B-3185 et B-3186   3707   Queen's Hussars 1837-1850
B-3185 et B-3186   3707   Queen's Lancers 1837-1850
B-3186 et B-3187   3708   Queen's Royal Marine Artillery 1837-1840
B-3186 et B-3187   3708   Queen's Own Regiment Incorporated Militia 1837-1840
B-3186 et B-3187   3708   Queen's Light Infantry Incorporated Militia 1837-1840
B-3186 et B-3187   3708   Queen's Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3187 et B-3188   3709   Queen's Mounted Rangers 1837-1839
B-3187 et B-3188   3709   Queen's Rangers 1837-1839
B-3188   3710   Rawdon Volunteers 1837-1848.
B-3188   3710   Rouville Militia 1837-1848.
B-3188   3710   Royal Foresters Incorporated Militia 1837-1848.
B-3188   3710   Russell Militia 1837-1848.
B-3188   3710   Russeltown Frontier Company 1837-1848.
B-3189   3710   Rawdon Volunteers 1837-1841
B-3189   3710   Rouville Militia 1837-1841
B-3189   3710   Royal Foresters Incorporated Militia 1837-1841
B-3189   3710   Russell Militia 1837-1841
B-3189   3710   Russeltown Frontier Company 1837-1841
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Andrew's Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Ann's Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Armand Local Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Eustache of Scholastique Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. George's Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. John's or Dorchester Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Catharine's Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   St. Thomas Cavalry 1837-1840
B-3189 et B-3190   3711   Sandwich Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3190 et B-3191   3712   Shefford Frontier Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3190 et B-3191   3712   Shefford Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Sherbrooke Cavalry 1837-1842
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Sherbrooke Militia 1837-1842
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Sherbrooke (Eastern Township) Militia 1837-1842
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Sherrington E. or Delery Volunteers 1837-1842
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Sherrington W. Volunteers 1837-1842
B-3191 et B-3192   3713   Simcoe Mills 1837-1842
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Sorel Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Sorel Artillery 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Sorel Rifle Corps 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   South West River Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Staff 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Stanstead Cavalry 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Stanstead Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   1st & 2nd Stormont Militia 1837-1843
B-3192 et B-3193   3714   Stukley Volunteers 1837-1843
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Tanneries Co. Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Three Rivers Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Toronto Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Toronto Guards 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Trent Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Two Mountains Cavalry 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Vaudreuil Militia 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Vaudreuil Volunteers 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Veteran Company 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   2nd Veteran Company 1837-1839
B-3193 et B-3194   3715   Veterans Company (Harrisons) 1837-1839
B-3194   3716   Walpole Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   Warwick Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   Waterdown Guard 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   Whitby Independent Company 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   Whitby Independent Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   Windsor Volunteers 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   1st, 2nd & 3rd E. York Militia 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th W. York Militia 1837-1840
B-3194   3716   1st & 2nd W. York Militia 1837-1840
B-3195 et B-3196   3717   Returns Discharges n.d.
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