No smoking

Judge rejects injunction request to temporarily suspend anti-smoking law
Bar owners and supporters upset about smoking ban demonstrated in front of the Palais de Justice

Quebec bar owners lost their initial fight to have the province’s smoking ban suspended on Monday.

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Editor's Picks


Desperate measures

Vito Spagnolo, a 38-year-old tow-truck driver and a “big boy” since he was five years old, has waited...


Audio slideshow: Salon du Livre

To get a taste of the Salon du Livre, which is on this weekend, see our audio slideshow. And read an...


Q&A with Pete Townshend

Gazette reporter Bernard Perusse conducted an E-mail interview with Pete Townshend, the Who's leader...


Today in the Gazette


Bitter End

Grey Cup/Lions 25 - Alouettes 14: Glum Alouettes (from left) Scott Flory, Luke Fritz and Jeff Piercy try to digest their team's loss in the locker room in Winnipeg last night. It was the Als' fourth Grey Cup loss since 2000: They fell to the Lions in Calgary that year, lost to Edmonton in Regina in 2003 and to Edmonton again at B.C. Place last year. They did, however, beat the Eskimos in Edmonton in 2002.

Als fumble stirring comeback

They sat slumped at their lockers in poses we have seen too often. The players who have led the Montreal Alouettes to Grey Cup after Grey Cup, only to lose again and again and again.




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