About the CMA

Canadian Museums Association


Who are We?

The Canadian Museums Association is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum community. We unite, represent and serve museums and museum workers across Canada. We work passionately for the recognition, growth and stability of our sector

The Canadian Museum Association was established by a small group of people in Quebec City in 1947. Today, it has nearly 2,000 members (click here to join).

Our members are non-profit museums, art galleries, science centres, aquaria, archives, sports halls of fame, artist-run centres, zoos and historic sites across Canada. They range from large metropolitan galleries to small community museums. All are dedicated to preserving and presenting our cultural heritage to the public.

Our members are also the people who work in and care about our museum. They include professionals, volunteers, students, trustees and interested friends. Our membership also includes foreign museum professionals as well as a growing list of corporations that support museums and the CMA.

We are governed by an elected Board of Directors and maintain a full-service Secretariat in Ottawa.

The CMA recently published its Annual Report for the year 2004-2005, an Annual Action Plan for 2003-2004, as well as a Ethics Guidelines for the museum professions. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting are also available.

The Museum Community in Canada

There are some 2,500 museums and related institutions in Canada. These institutions hold our collective heritage in trust for the Canadian public. Millions of art works, objects, specimens and documents are preserved for safekeeping by our museums. Each year, more than 55 million visitors attend our museums and a further 60 million visit our historic and natural parks. These institutions employ over 10,000 full-time and 10,000 part-time staff and are supported by more than 40,000 volunteers.


The Association is committed to strengthening the community by working closely with other national organizations. We are negotiating a new working relationship with ICOM-Canada, and are establishing a Heritage Council with the national associations of archives and libraries.

Strategic partners:

Canadian Association of Science Centres
Organization of Military Museums of Canada
Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Canadian Federation of Friends of Museums
Canadian Parks Partnership
Forum of Provincial Museum Associations
The Arts and Heritage Sector of the Department of Canadian Heritage

Management Agreements:

The CMA supplies services to other related organizations as a result, we serve as the secretariat for:
Canadian Art Museum Directors' Organization
Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums


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