
The Honourable John M. Reid, Information Commissioner of Canada

Travel Expenses - 2001-2002
Claim Date Destination Purpose Air Fare Other Transportation Hotels Meals Hospitality Other Total Recovered
OPD-002483 06-10 Jun 01 Edmonton To give speech $752.75 $68.00 $398.72 $308.17   $87.61 $1,615.25  
OPD-002500 21-23 Jun 01 Yellowknife Information and Privacy Commissioner's Summit 4,787.18 15.30 385.20 162.39   34.50 5,384.57  
OPD-002627 01-04 Nov 01 Saskatoon To give speech 630.62 45.00 355.95 91.90 59.16 53.97 1,236.60  
OPD-002645 11 Nov 01 Kingston To give speech   195.06   10.35     205.41  
OPD-002654 21-23 Nov 01 Vancouver To give speech 3,488.52 85.00   120.95   48.78 3,743.25  
OPD-002744 6-8 Feb 02 Regina To give speech 2,035.68 10.00 246.34 157.07   86.95 2,536.04  
Total - Domestic $11,694.75 $418.36 $1,386.21 $850.83 $59.16 $311.81 $14,721.12  
International Travel
OPD-002672 1-4 Dec 01 Louisville To give speech 618.35 171.52 492.33 309.02   71.40 1,662.62  
OPD-002753 22-26 Feb-02 Orlando To give speech at Hummingbird Summit 872.83 375.76 422.68 279.38   128.38 2,079.03  
Total - International $1,491.18 $547.28 $915.01 $588.40   $199.78 $3,741.65  
Total - Travel $13,185.93 $965.64 $2,301.22 $1,439.23 $59.16 $511.59 $18,462.77  


  1. Travel expenses listed are those claimed by the Office of the Information Commissioner. Other costs may have been incurred by hosts.
  2. "Other" include incidentals, airport tax, telephone, parking and miscellaneous expenses not included elsewhere.
  3. Includes GST.
