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Manitoba Conservation

Environmental Programs

Environmental Livestock Program

Welcome to Manitoba Conservation's Environmental Livestock Program

The purpose of this program is to administer the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (Amendment). A team, including Environment Officers and Environmental Engineers, has been established for this purpose.  Team members are regionally based to provide local coverage, and centrally coordinated to ensure consistent delivery of the program.  Primary responsibilities include investigation of complaints, annual inspection of permitted manure storage facilities, inspection of manure storage facilities undergoing construction / modification / expansion, and enforcement of regulations on management of manure and mortalities.

What's New

An Examination of the Environmental Sustainability of the Hog Industry in Manitoba

(Click here to download a printable copy of the report)

Clean Environment Commission Review - Terms of Reference

This report is a compilation of information relevant to hog operations in Manitoba.  It provides an overview of the initiatives underway to address the environmental sustainability of hog production in this province.  The paper helps to fulfill the recommendations from the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission study into the Maple Leaf Foods Inc. licensing application.


Hog Barn Development and Expansion

The Manitoba government is proposing a regulation that will temporarily suspend the development of new and expanding hog barns in our province.  The purpose of this regulation is to give the Clean Environment Commission an opportunity to review the environmental sustainability of the hog industry in Manitoba.

Proposed Amendments to the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation     (French version)

For more information on this regulation, you may telephone (204) 945-7069 or fax your written comments to (204) 948-2420.  You may also send your written comments by mail to the following address:

Environmental Livestock Program
Box 46, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3

All comments on the proposed regulation must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 24, 2006.



Regulating Phosphorus from Livestock Operations in Manitoba

Red River Valley Special Management Area

Final Reports and Amendments:
Water Stewardship Department:


Office and Staff Locations

Red River Region

(204) 346-6060
(204) 325-1750
(204) 945-7100
Interlake Region

(204) 785-5030
(204) 642-6095
Western Region

(204) 726-6064
Eastern Region
   Lac du Bonnet 

(204) 345-1486
Environmental Programs  (204) 945-8553
Manure Management Plans (204) 945-3078
Applications and Instructions
Information Bulletins and Guidelines


Manure Management Plan 
Nutrient Status Report (18 Kb PDF file)

Living with Livestock Production

Location of Permitted Manure Storage Facilities April 2006

Summary Enforcement Activities Report 1998/99 to 2004/05



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