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News Release - Manitoba

November 1, 2006


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Manitoba Scores an A, Leads Provinces In Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance Annual Ranking

Manitoba continues to lead the Canadian provinces in promoting and supporting energy efficiency according to a new national report card authored by the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA). The CEEA, a leading non-governmental energy efficiency advocate, awarded Manitoba an A for the second year in a row.
“Five years ago, Manitoba was ranked ninth in the country,” said Science, Technology, Energy and Mines minister Jim Rondeau.  “We’ve worked hard to make Manitoba an energy-efficiency leader and today our province is at the head of the class.”
“What makes Manitoba so successful in the area of energy efficiency is the political will to promote and support energy efficiency,” said Ken Elsey, president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance. “Simply put, it’s leadership – making a commitment and following through. While other provinces are working to improve energy efficiency within their jurisdictions, Manitoba is implementing effective programs. They continue to set the standard to which others must follow.”
The CEEA report notes that Manitoba Hydro’s leadership in promoting and supporting energy efficiency is clearly reflected in Manitoba’s top marks.
“Manitoba Hydro’s Power Smart programs are widely recognized as effective, user-friendly tools for homeowners, businesses and industry to boost their energy efficiency and save significantly on energy costs,” said Finance Minister Greg Selinger, minister responsible for Manitoba Hydro.
Manitoba Hydro’s Power Smart programs helped push Manitoba into the top spot, Selinger said, including new furnace replacement incentives, a new insulation upgrade program, the LED Christmas light campaign, the compact fluorescent light program and an aggressive new suite of commercial programs. Manitoba Hydro recently announced that its Power Smart on-bill financing program for residential energy efficiency upgrades has topped $100 million.
Rondeau said the government is committed to building on Manitoba’s strong track record on climate change and energy efficiency.  He noted that, since being awarded an A in last year’s report, the government has continued to work aggressively to promote energy efficiency and clean energy development including:
·         working toward the implementation of new commercial building codes to make new Manitoba businesses greener and more energy efficient;
·         introducing a new green buildings policy which is already in effect and requiring all new provincially-funded buildings to meet the internationally-recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification;
·         supporting a new green business guide to help small and medium-sized Manitoba businesses boost their energy efficiency and save money on energy costs; and
·         committing $3 million in Community Places construction projects, which will boost energy efficiency in dozens of facilities across the province.

Rondeau said the province continues to pursue smart solutions to environmental challenges with an intense focus on developing renewable sources of energy including new-generation hydro, wind, ethanol, biodiesel, geo-thermal and hydrogen.
Selinger noted that Manitoba Hydro will issue a request for proposals this winter for new wind-energy projects totalling 300 megawatts, enough to power 100,000 homes.
Earlier this year the government passed the Winter Heating Cost Control Act, which will enhance energy efficiency initiatives for low-income, rural and northern Manitobans.
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