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News Release - Manitoba

November 2, 2006


Attorney General Dave Chomiak and Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Oscar Lathlin today congratulated winners of the sixth annual Helen Betty Osborne scholarships. 
“Each year, this legacy of Helen Betty Osborne is helping Manitobans to pursue their dreams with these scholarships – to enter post-secondary studies and enter rewarding careers," said Chomiak.
“These awards named after the late Helen Betty Osborne commemorate her tragic life and personal goal of advancing through education. Our government is very pleased to award young successful Aboriginal youth who through their personal determination and sacrifice are striving for their academic dream,” Lathlin said.
Presenting the awards to the winners on behalf of Lathlin, Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross praised the students as noteworthy role models for youth across the province.  
“Each year the achievements of applicants and winners are more impressive, making the job of the judges more difficult,” she noted. 
Since the first awards were made in 2001, more than 50 post-secondary awards totalling more than $100,000 have been presented to outstanding Aboriginal youth. This year marks the largest total dollar value of awards for students.  This year, Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs has extended its agreement with the foundation for three more years at the same financial commitment of $20,000 per year, to four Civil Technology and Engineering awards.
Selected by an independent panel of scholars, 20 awards were presented in two categories including
Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation general awards and Aboriginal and Northern Affairs/Civil Engineering and Technology awards.
The 2006-07 recipients are in the general category – 16 awards of $1,500; and in the Aboriginal and Northern Affairs/Civil Engineering and Technology awards – four awards of $5,000.
The Helen Betty Osborne Foundation was created by an act of the legislature with the first scholarship awards being granted on National Aboriginal Day in June 2001. More information on the Helen Betty Osborne Foundation can be found online at
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General Awards
Devon Arthurson
Arthurson is enrolled in her second year of bachelor of social work program studies at the University of Manitoba. She also holds an administrative assistant diploma from Red River College. She is a previous recipient of the Frank Swift Fund bursary and the University of Manitoba Student’s Union bursary in 2005.  Arthurson is interested in community development and social welfare policy. She also does outreach ministry with the Trinity Anglican Church. 
Jodi Blazenko
Blazenko is a second-year bachelor of education student at the University of Manitoba and also holds a bachelor of science (agroecology) 2004. She is a graduate of Swan Valley Regional Secondary School and a member of the Swan River Métis Association.  
Lindsay Campbell
Campbell is a second-year bachelor of social work student at University of Manitoba. She graduated from Frontier Collegiate in Cranberry Portage. Her previous awards include the Kiwanis bursary for community involvement, a Business Council award, a TD financial bursary and she was also a recipient of the Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Award in 2003.   In 2003, she also received the national Aboriginal Achievement Foundation scholarship, an MPI Aboriginal Education award and a Frontier Collegiate Institute School Committee award.  She just recently received a Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement award in the community/volunteer senior category. Campbell is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – Duck Bay Local.  
Beverly Rhonda Cameron
Cameron is a fourth-year bachelor of arts (native studies) student at University of Manitoba. She is a single mother of five children ranging in age from five to 23. Cameron sits on the steering committee of the Family Court Diversion Research Project.
Tara Cook
Cook is in her fifth year of a bachelor of social work degree. She is a recipient of the Aboriginal Business Council of Canada award and is s a member of the Winnipeg Region of the Manitoba Métis Federation.
Crystal Cunard
Cunard is a fourth-year bachelor of commerce (honours) student at the University of Manitoba. She is a previous recipient of the University of Manitoba entrance scholarship, the Canadian Millenium Excellence award, a Xerox Aboriginal scholarship and a Great-West Life Funding Futures scholarship. Cunard has been on the dean’s honour list in 2003, 2004 and 2005 and she is the vice-president of the Association of Aboriginal Commerce Students.
Jennie Dietrich
Dietrich is in her second year studies towards a diploma in office administration.  Her previous awards include a gold medal in math, a teacher’s memorial bursary, the Lee Howie volunteer award and a Business Council award.  Dietrich Is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – South West Region.
Sarah Ellen Jade Easter  
Easter is a fifth-year bachelor of arts and bachelor of education student at the University of Winnipeg Inner-city campus.  She is a previous recipient of a Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation award in 2005.  She is a single mother of five children ranging from one and a half years of age to 11.  Easter developed a children’s literature circle program at the Village Center and is a member of the Peguis First Nation.
Evelyn Hayden
Hayden is a second-year Aboriginal self-government student at Red River College and she also holds a diploma in business administration.  She is a single parent of four children and volunteers at the Mamawiwichitata Centre.  Hayden is a member of the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation.
Michelle Melanson
Melanson is a second-year creative communications student at Red River College. She is the recipient of a Winnipeg Sun scholarship and the Carol Shields creative writing award for 2006.   Melanson is a member of the St. Theresa Point First Nation.
Clifford Morrisseau
Morrisseau is a second-year Aboriginal self-government student at Red River Colege.  He has won a Business Council of Manitoba award and is a member of the Hollow Water First Nation.
Jessica Ann Noel
Noel is a first-year bachelor of arts and bachelor of education student. She is a volunteer Sunday school teacher and would like to teach at the high-school level.
Tom Provost
Provost is a third-year bachelor of arts (political science) student at the University of Winnipeg. He is the recipient of the 2005 P.D. Curry memorial scholarship and the 2005 Voices Manitoba scholarship.  Provost is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – Winnipeg Region.
Jennifer Storm       
Storm is a second-year bachelor of arts student at the University of Manitoba.  She is the recipient of the 2006 Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award – Junior Personal Achievement and a member of the Couchiching First Nation.
Jennifer Wermie
Wermie is second-year studies for a diploma in Office Administration at Assiniboine Community College.  She has volunteered at the YWCA, the MS Society and the Portage General Hospital. Wemie is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – South West Region.
Rina Whitford
Whitford is a first-year bachelor of education student at the University of Winnipeg and also holds a bachelor of science (physics). She has extensive volunteer experience in schools, participates in cultural activities and is a fancy shawl dancer. Whitford is a member of the Sandy Bay First Nation.
Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs/Civil Engineering and Technology Awards
Brock Campbell
Campbell is a second-year bachelor of science in engineering (civil) student at the University of Manitoba. He serves as treasurer of the Engineering Access Student’s Association. Campbell is married with two children and is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – Winnipeg Region.
Russell Gauthier
Gauthier is a first-year bachelor of science in engineering student at the University of Manitoba. He also holds a bachelor of arts (theology). He was the recipient of the Grace Brown Scholarship in 2004, the CPC Faculty Award in 2004 and a Business Council of Manitoba award in 2006. Gauthier volunteers at an inner-city church and is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – Winnipeg Region.
Cory Simpson
Simpson is a fourth-year bachelor of science in engineering student at the University of Manitoba. He has previously been awarded the Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation award, a Manitoba Hydro New Generation Engineering scholarship, a national Aboriginal Achievement Foundation award and an Engineering Access program scholarship award. He was also a recipient of the Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Award for Personal Achievement 2006.   Simpson is originally from Churchill and is a member of Tataskweyak Cree Nation.
Derek Holland
Holland is in his third year of the Civil/Cad Technology program at Red River College.  He grew up in northern Manitoba and volunteers at Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation functions. He is a member of the Manitoba Métis Federation – Winnipeg Region.


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