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News Release - Manitoba

November 10, 2006


Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson launched new anti-bullying resources and a revamped Safe Schools Manitoba website today while proclaiming Nov. 13 to 19 Bullying Awareness Week in Manitoba.
Joined by Safe Schools Manitoba director Mary Hall, Bjornson noted the theme chosen for the week is NOT in my School! Take Action to Stop Bullying.
“The Manitoba government is committed to helping students, teachers and communities recognize the signs and symptoms of bullying and take steps to stop the behaviour,” Bjornson said. “Strategic partnerships along with awareness and education for children and adults are essential to moving forward with positive, active solutions to bullying and related issues.”
Safe Schools Manitoba, a partnership of organizations committed to working together to enhance the safety of Manitoba’s schools and communities, was created in 2002 with support from Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, Manitoba Justice and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada’s National Crime Prevention Centre.
“Safe Schools Manitoba has worked hard to raise awareness and understanding of the problems that impact the safety of our schools,” said Hall. “From public forums and conferences to professional development sessions for staff, we’ve provided information on bullying, recognizing potential threats and resolving disputes.”
Safe Schools Manitoba’s user-friendly website, redeveloped with a grant from the National Crime Prevention Centre, will be a resource to schools and communities at both the provincial and national levels.
In September, the provincial government offered 16 resource items to school divisions free of charge to promote bullying awareness activities in their schools. Resources include booklets, information sheets, posters, bracelets and comic books that focus on taking action to stop bullying and violence.
To date, schools have ordered more than 250,000 printed items and 80,000 NOT in my School! wrist bands. Next week, school divisions will also distribute over 47,000 copies of a resource booklet for parents titled NOT in my School:  Learn how you can help stop bullying at school and in your community. 
The revamped Safe Schools Manitoba website can be found at:
The province has also added one-window information access. Go to and click on the Safe and Caring Schools icon to find interactive websites specifically for children, youth, parents, and educators.
“Manitobans are invited to join all Safe Schools partners in supporting Bullying Awareness Week activities and the positive impact they can have on the safety and protection of all citizens,” Bjornson said.
The minister noted evening safe schools forums focusing on drug and alcohol abuse are being planned for parents and communities in February.
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