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News Release - Manitoba

November 10, 2006


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Minister Congratulates Recruits on Graduation from Training

Twenty-three new Winnipeg police officers funded by the province in Budget 2006 will officially graduate today and be posted to permanent field assignments as fully-trained officers, Attorney General Dave Chomiak has announced.
“Our government made a commitment to enhance public safety by making major investments to put more officers on Winnipeg streets,” Chomiak said.  “Today, I congratulate the 23 new, permanent Winnipeg Police Service officers who have undertaken the challenge and the responsibility to protect their fellow citizens.”
Today’s graduation brings the number of new Winnipeg police officers funded by the province in the past two provincial budgets to 46.  Twenty-three officers funded under the 2005 provincial budget graduated in May.
In addition, last spring, the government announced approximately $2 million in additional fine revenue to make Operation Clean Sweep a permanent, stand-alone unit to target hot spots of criminal activity throughout the city.  The province also provides a further annual grant of $2 million towards the funding of 40 police officers.
The minister noted police are on the front lines of dealing with a range of community safety issues from enforcing traffic laws to dealing with gang-related crimes.  
“I am impressed and encouraged by the quality of all recruits taking on this challenging career,” said Chomiak.  “As the new officers join seasoned veterans in maintaining peace and public safety, they also serve as role models for young people aspiring to this important profession.  They deserve our gratitude and support.”
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