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Media Bulletin - Manitoba

November 14, 2006


Lt.-Gov. John Harvard is to read the speech from the throne to open the fifth session of the 38th Manitoba legislature tomorrow afternoon.
The lieutenant governor’s schedule calls for him to leave Government House at approximately 1 p.m. when an artillery salute will begin, to be carried out by members of 26 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery from Brandon.
Inside the Legislative Building, Harvard will inspect a guard of honour at the foot of the Grand Staircase. The guard will be made up of members of 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and 2 Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry from Shilo and 17 Wing of Winnipeg commanded by Capt. Stuart Gullen of 1 Canadian Air Division.
The viceregal salute will be performed by the Air Command Band directed by Chief Warrant Officer Dennis Walker, before the official party proceeds up the Grand Staircase to the lieutenant governor’s reception room.
Harvard is expected to enter the Legislative Chamber at approximately 1:30 p.m. and a few minutes later is to begin reading the speech from the throne which will outline the government’s agenda for the legislative session to follow.
The legislature is scheduled to adjourn on Thursday, Dec. 7.
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