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News Release - Manitoba

November 17, 2006


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Manitoba the Largest Industrial Hemp Producer in Canada: Wowchuk

Industrial hemp has excellent potential as a value-added crop for Manitoba producers and rural communities, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk said today as she welcomed delegates to the national Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance conference in Winnipeg.
“Our province is proud to support this conference that highlights industrial hemp as an emerging crop that reaches across industries like health and functional food production,” said Wowchuk.  “This product is also creating value-added opportunities in bio-composite materials such as counter tops and bio-fibre production.” 
The minister noted the future of agricultural-based business in this province will be supported by creating new value-added goods made from Manitoba products.
Manitoba is the largest producer of hemp in Canada, with more than 28,000 acres dedicated to the crop. Two of the three major hemp processing plants are located in the province.  Canada grows approximately 48,000 acres of hemp.
“Our government has helped fund plant breeding, market access efforts and quality guideline development for the Canadian industry through the Agricultural Research Development Initiative,” said Wowchuk. “As we support and encourage more research and development of new and emerging cash crops like industrial hemp, we open the door to business opportunities and economic advancement for all Manitobans.”
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