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News Release - Manitoba

November 20, 2006


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Bill Would Support Families and Children To Mark National Child Day: Irvin-Ross

New legislation that would legally enshrine Manitoba’s nationally-recognized Healthy Child Strategy was introduced today by Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross, chair of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet.
“The Healthy Child Manitoba strategy works across government and with community partners to put children and families first.  This new legislation would commit our province to making permanent structures in both government and the community that are essential for making a difference for children and youth,” said Irvin-Ross.  “The Healthy Child Manitoba Act reinforces the importance of Manitobans working together to develop, implement and evaluate policies and programs that support families and help our youngest citizens achieve their fullest potential.”
The proposed legislation would:
·         continue the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, unique in Canada, ensuring the on-going leadership of all ministers whose portfolios or departments directly affect the lives of children;
·         formalize the roles and responsibilities of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, the Healthy Child Deputy Ministers’ Committee and the Healthy Child Manitoba Office; and
·         require government to report to the public every five years on the health and well-being of Manitoba's children.
“For the past five years, the parent-child coalitions have committed themselves to promoting parenting, literacy, nutrition and community development in every region of the province. They have also proven to be an effective voice for Manitoba families,” said Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Oscar Lathlin. “Their recognition in this legislation ensures they will continue to play a crucial role in identifying the strengths and addressing the needs of families across the province.” 
Manitoba’s approach to developing child-centred public policy is evidence-based and reflective of both community strengths and needs, and has resulted in an integrated system of programs and supports for Manitoba families, Irvin-Ross noted.
“In Manitoba, we understand that no single government department, agency or community can meet the diverse needs of families as their children grow,” said Irvin-Ross. “Manitoba’s nationally-recognized and innovative approach to healthy child development has created a community-based, cross-departmental approach to support parents and children, and the proposed Healthy Child Manitoba Act strengthens these foundations.”
The Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet was announced in March 2000.  Currently chaired by
Irvin-Ross, the committee represents departments such as aboriginal and northern affairs; culture, heritage and tourism; education, citizenship and youth; family services and housing; health; and labour and immigration.
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Back grounder
To help children reach their full potential, Healthy Child Manitoba works with families to support their children within strong communities.
Led by the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, Healthy Child Manitoba bridges departments and governments and, together with the community, works to improve the well-being of Manitoba’s children and youth.  Healthy Child Manitoba focuses on child-centred public policy through the integration of financial and community-based family supports.
Healthy Child Manitoba researches best practices and models and adapts these to Manitoba’s unique situation.  It strengthens provincial policies and programs for healthy child and adolescent development, from the prenatal period to adulthood.  Healthy Child Manitoba then evaluates programs and services to find the most effective ways to achieve the best possible outcomes for the province’s children, families, and communities.
Healthy Child Manitoba represents a new way of working together across government departments and with the community to develop policies, programs and services that promote the best possible outcomes for Manitoba’s children.  Because no single department or area can meet the holistic needs of children and youth as they grow, success depends on these partnerships. 
Healthy Child Manitoba has received national recognition for its unique approach to improving the lives of the province’s children and youth and providing support to families.  In June 2006, the Health Council of Canada recognized Healthy Child Manitoba as an innovative and exceptional program in a report on health care for children and youth.
This November, the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development awarded its 2006 annual Medal for Exceptional Contributions to Early Childhood Development to former Health Minister Tim Sale for his work to improve the lives of children, youth and families as founding chair of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet.  Sale chaired the committee when Healthy Child Manitoba was created in from March 2000 until November 2003, and served as an active member until earlier this year.
The Healthy Child Manitoba Act continues the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, unique in Canada, ensuring the ongoing leadership of all ministers whose portfolios or departments directly affect the lives of children.  This would ensure that prevention and early intervention for children and families remains a central focus of elected officials and the most senior levels of government.  The proposed act would also require government to report to the public every five years on the health and well-being of Manitoba’s children.
In government, the proposed legislation would formalize the roles and responsibilities of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, the Healthy Child Deputy Ministers’ Committee and the Healthy Child Manitoba Office.
In the community, the legislation would formally establish a Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Committee and recognize parent-child coalitions as essential partners in the Healthy Child Manitoba strategy.


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