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War Office 120 (MG 13 WO120) : Liste des volumes et des numéros de bobines de microfilm

Ces registres de pensionnés couvrent la période datant de 1713 à 1868. Ils sont classés par régiment selon sept séries qui se chevauchent. Les registres pour les années 1713 à 1843 indiquent l'âge, le lieu de naissance et des détails sur les états de service et la réforme. Après 1843, les registres indiquent uniquement la date à laquelle la pension a été accordée, le montant et le lieu de résidence du pensionné. On trouve aussi des dates de décès dans les registres créés après 1812.

Dans l'ouvrage British Army Pensioners Abroad, 1772-1899 écrit par Norman Crowder, on trouve un index alphabétique des noms des pensionnés mentionnés dans les volumes 35, 69 et 70. Ces volumes ont été choisis par l'auteur parce qu'ils contiennent beaucoup de noms de pensionnés qui se sont établis au Canada.

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Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

Microfilm   Volume     Description Date
B-5690     1   Horse Guards 1713-1757
B-5690   1   Horse Grenadier Guards 1713-1757
B-5690   1   Dragoon Guards 1713-1757
B-5690   1   Dragoons 1713-1757
B-5690   1   Foot Guards 1713-1757
B-5690   1   1st - 14th Regiments of Foot 1713-1757
B-5690   2   15th - 50th, 52nd - 59th & 62nd Regiments of Foot 1713-1757
B-5690   2   Marines 1713-1757
B-5690   2   Broken Regiments, Independent Co. & Misc. Corps 1713-1757
B-5690   3   Horse Guards 1715-1775
B-5690   3   Horse Grenadier Guards 1715-1775
B-5690   3   Dragoon Guards 1715-1775
B-5690   3   Dragoons 1715-1775
B-5690   3   Foot Guards 1715-1775
B-5690   3   1st Regiment of Foot 1715-1775
B-5691   3   1st - 10th Regiments of Foot 1715-1775
B-5691   4   Foot Guards 1715-1775
B-5691   5   11th - 40th & 42nd - 49th Regiments of Foot1715-1775 1715-1775
B-5691   6   50th - 119th Regiments of Foot 1745-1785
B-5692   6   Broken Regiments & Companies of Foot 1713-1785
B-5692   6   Militia Regiments 1713-1785
B-5692   6   Marines 1713-1785
B-5692   7   Independent Companies & Misc. Corps 1713-1785
B-5692   7   Horse Guards n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   7   Horse Grenadier Guards n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   7   Dragoon Guards n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   7   Dragoons n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   7   Foot Guards n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   8   1st - 25th Regiments of Foot n.d., 1742-1785
B-5692   8   25th - 40th & 42nd - 75th Regiments of Foot 1742-1785
B-5692   9   Misc. Corps 1742-1785
B-5692   9   Horse Guards 1730-1813
B-5692   9   Horse Grenadier Guards 1730-1813
B-5692   9   Dragoon Guards 1730-1813
B-5692   9   Dragoons 1730-1813
B-5693   9   Horse Guards 1742-1813
B-5693   9   Dragoons 1742-1813
B-5693   9   Misc. Cavalry 1742-1813
B-5693   9   Royal Waggon Train 1742-1813
B-5693   10   Foot Guards 1742-1813
B-5693   10   Foot Guards 1742-1813
B-5693   10   1st - 8th Regiments of Foot 1742-1813
B-5693   11   Dragoon Guards 1742-1813
B-5693   12   9th - 20th Regiments of Foot 1734-1813
B-5693   13   21st - 28th Regiments of Foot 1727-1813
B-5694   14   29th - 37th Regiments of Foot 1735-1811
B-5694   15   38th - 47th Regiments of Foot 1742-1807
B-5694   16   48th - 59th Regiments of Foot 1746-1807
B-5694   17   60th - 72nd Regiments of Foot 1758-1809
B-5694   17   73rd - 100th Regiments of Foot 1758-1809
B-5694   17   Misc. Corps 1758-1809
B-5695   17   Misc. Corps 1761-1809
B-5695   18   101st - 104th Regiments of Foot 1761-1809
B-5695   18   105th - 135th Regiments of Foot 1743-1811
B-5695   19   Misc. Corps, Volunteers, Fencibles, etc. 1743-1811
B-5695   19   Militia 1806-1838
B-5695   19   York Light Infantry 1806-1838
B-5695   19   German Legion 1806-1838
B-5695   20   Foreign Veterans 1806-1838
B-5696   20   Life Guards 1806-1838
B-5696   20   Horse Guards 1806-1838
B-5696   20   Dragoon Guards 1806-1838
B-5696   21   Dragoons 1806-1838
B-5696   21   Dragoons 1806-1838
B-5697   21   Dragoons 1784-1838
B-5697   21   Misc. Cavalry 1784-1838
B-5697   22   Royal Waggon Train 1784-1838
B-5697   23   Foot Guards 1806-1838
B-5697   23   1st - 7th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5698   23   7th - 13th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5698   24   14th - 28th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5699   24   28th Regiment of Foot 1813-1838
B-5699   25   29th - 43rd Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5699   26   44th - 48th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5700   26   48th - 58th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5700   27   59th - 69th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5701   27   69th - 73rd Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5701   28   74th - 88th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5701   29   89th - 90th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5702   29   90th - 104th Regiments of Foot 1806-1838
B-5702   30   Misc. Corps 1806-1841
B-5702   31   Garrison Battalions 1803-1830
B-5703   31   Garrison Battalions & Companies 1806-1836
B-5703   32   Veteran Battalions 1804-1838
B-5703   33   Veteran Battalions 1804-1834
B-5704   34   Dragoon Guards 1817-1838
B-5704   34   Dragoons 1817-1838
B-5704   34   Foot Guards 1817-1838
B-5704   34   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1817-1838
B-5704   34   Misc. Corps 1817-1838
B-5705   35   Dragoon Guards 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Dragoons 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Fencible Cavalry 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Regiments of Foot 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Misc. Corps 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Fencibles 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Veteran Battalions 1772-1868
B-5705   35   Militia 1772-1868
B-5705   36   Misc. Cavalry Regiments 1839-1843
B-5705   37   Misc. Cavalry Regiments 1839-1843
B-5705   38   Foot Guards (scattered) n.d., 1839-1842
B-5705   38   Regiments of Foot (scattered) n.d., 1839-1842
B-5705   38   Yeomanry (scattered) n.d., 1839-1842
B-5706   39   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1842
B-5706   40   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   41   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   42   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   43   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   44   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   45   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5706   46   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1842
B-5707   46   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1842
B-5707   47   Regiments of Foot (scattered) 1839-1843
B-5707   48   Foreign Regiments 1839-1845
B-5707   49   Ordnance Corps 1833-1836
B-5707   50   Ordnance Corps 1833-1836
B-5707   51   Militia 1839-1841
B-5707   52   Life Guards 1797-1857
B-5707   52   Horse Guards 1797-1857
B-5707   52   Dragoon Guards 1797-1857
B-5707   52   Dragoons 1797-1857
B-5707   53   Dragoons 1796-1857
B-5708   53   Dragoons 1800-1857
B-5708   53   Fencible Dragoons 1800-1857
B-5708   53   Misc. Cavalry 1800-1857
B-5708   53   Royal Waggon Train 1800-1857
B-5708   54   Foot Guards 1801-1857
B-5708   55   1st - 9th Regiments of Foot 1800-1857
B-5709   56   10th - 19th Regiments of Foot 1800-1857
B-5709   57   20th - 29th Regiments of Foot 1800-1857
B-5709   57   30th - 36th Regiments of Foot 1794-1857
B-5710   58   37th - 39th Regiments of Foot 1802-1857
B-5710   59   40th - 49th Regiments of Foot 1800-1857
B-5710   60   50th - 59th Regiments of Foot 1795-1857
B-5711   61   60th - 69th Regiments of Foot 1787-1857
B-5711   62   70th - 79th Regiments of Foot 1787-1857
B-5711   63   80th - 88th Regiments of Foot 1799-1857
B-5712   63   88th & 89th Regiments of Foot 1797-1857
B-5712   64   90th - 104th Regiments of Foot 1802-1857
B-5712   65   Misc. Corps 1799-1857
B-5712   66   Misc. Corps 1784-1857
B-5713   66   Misc. Corps 1812-1857
B-5713   67   Ordnance Corps 1792-1857
B-5713   68   Ordnance Corps 1794-1857
B-5713   69   Life Guards 1795-1857
B-5713   69   Horse Guards 1795-1857
B-5713   69   Dragoon Guards 1795-1857
B-5713   69   Dragoons 1795-1857
B-5713   69   Misc. Cavalry 1795-1857
B-5713   69   Foot Guards 1795-1857
B-5713   69   1st - 32nd Regiments of Foot 1795-1857
B-5714   69   32nd - 75th Regiments of Foot 1803-1857
B-5714   70   76th - 104th Regiments of Foot 1783-1857
B-5714   70   Misc. Corps 1783-1857
B-5714   70   Veteran Battalions 1783-1857
B-5714   70   Misc. Foreign Corps 1783-1857
B-5714   70   Militia 1783-1857
B-5714   70   Misc. Ordnance Corps 1783-1857


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