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Education, Citizenship and Youth
Advanced Education and Training

French Second Language Revitalization Program

Funding | Description | Selection Criteria | Funding Priorities | Eligibility | Eligible Expenditures | Funding Restrictions | Duration of Funding | Timelines and Instalment Schedule | Forms | Projects Selected for 2006-2007 | Project Descriptions | Contact


This program is being funded 50-50 by Canada and Manitoba under the Canada-Manitoba Agreement for Minority Language Education and Second Official Language Instruction 2005-06 to 2008-09, signed on March 31, 2006.


The French Second Language Revitalization Program (FSLRP) seeks to give French as a Second Language instruction in Manitoba new momentum. Specifically, it is aimed at the following objectives:

  • To strengthen, promote and improve access to Basic French programs
  • To strengthen, promote and improve access to French Immersion programs
  • To improve support and professional development services for teachers
  • To improve access to high-quality teaching resources
  • To expand the opportunity for learners to use their French language skills

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Qualifications of Applicant (experience, stability, capacity for success)
  • Relevance of Proposed Initiatives to Program Objectives
  • Scope and Importance of Needs to be Met
  • Quality of Project Design (logical link between objectives, activities and timetables)
  • Impact and Sustainability of Expected Results
  • Existence and Quality of Partnerships (complementarities, contribution)
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Financial Viability of Project (diversity of sources, long term funding)

Funding Priorities

  1. Program Introduction: Establish a new program in a school or school division. (Ex: Intensive French Program, Late French Immersion)
  2. Program Expansion: Extend a program to other Grade levels (Ex: Early French Start and Follow-up to the Intensive French Program) or offer a greater range of French Immersion and Basic French courses. Special consideration will be given for French courses at the senior high level.
  3. Professional Development: Offer professional development in special areas to support new teaching methods and to enrich teachers’ French language skills.
  4. Promotion of French Second Language Programs: Promote the French Second Language programs and the benefits of learning French as a second language to students, parents and the community at large.
  5. Creation of Opportunities for Youth: In conjunction with the community, develop and implement activities that enable learners to use their French skills and make the language relevant. (Ex: exchange programs, work programs, tours, shows, etc.)


Any school or school division wishing to revitalize French Second Language instruction and any not-for-profit organization that has relevant instructional support services to offer may apply for funding.

Eligible Expenditures

  • Salary of a specialist to establish a new program or course
  • The fees of a specialist for professional services
  • The instructional resources and material necessary to establish a new course, program or teaching method
  • Travel and substitute costs necessary for the professional development of teachers
  • Travel and equipment necessary to provide opportunities for youth to use French

Funding Restrictions

  • Applications for funding to cover expenses already incurred and to maintain pre-existing programs will not be considered.
  • Capital expenditures (construction, renovation, etc.) and basic instructional resources are not eligible for funding.
  • School divisions and independent schools are expected to use the basic provincial funding available for pupils enrolled in French Second Language programs. The applications for funding under the revitalization program must address needs not covered by that funding.

Duration of Funding

The maximum duration of funding for each project is three years. The grant, however, is awarded on a year-to-year basis, with the possibility of being extended the following year. Applicants who have received funding for a multi-year project in 2006-2007 must therefore reapply for funding for 2007-2008.

Timelines and Instalment Schedule

2006-2007 Projects Date
First instalment – 50% October 2006
Interim Report deadline January 31, 2007
Second instalment – 50% March 2007
Final Report deadline September 30, 2007
2007-2008 Projects Date
Applications deadline January 31, 2007
Project evaluation February to May 2007
Response to applicants June 2007
First instalment – 40% October 2007
Interim Report deadline January 31, 2008
Second instalment – 40% March 2008
Final Report deadline September 15, 2008
Third instalment – 20% October 2008


2006-2007 Interim Report

Grant recipients are asked to complete an Interim Report showing actual expenses from July 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006 and projected expenses from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007. The deadline for submitting the interim report is January 31, 2007.

Interim Report Form

MS Word format (Format MS Word 125 KB)
PDF format (Format MS Word 33 KB)

2006-2007 Final Report

Grant recipients are also asked to complete a Final Report at the end of the school year, describing the project activities and results and reporting the project revenue and expenditures. The deadline for submitting the final report is September 30, 2007.

Final Report Form

MS Word format (Format MS Word 161 KB)
PDF format (Format MS Word 37 KB)

2007-2008 Grant Application Form

The new Grant Application Form for 2007-2008 is now available. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2007. Please be sure to indicate whether your project is a multi-year initiative and, where applicable, have the form signed by:

  • the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent for schools divisions
  • the Principal for independent schools
  • the President or Executive Director for not-for-profit organizations

Grant Application Form

MS Word format (Format MS Word 202 KB)
PDF format (Format MS Word 53 KB)

Projects Selected for 2006-2007

The project proposals for 2006-2007 represent a broad spectrum of educational initiatives. Ranging from cultural and professional development activities to new programs and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), these projects will contribute to the expansion and revitalization of French Second Language instruction. Intensive French, Late French Immersion and the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) are some of the new initiatives that will be introduced in various school divisions. Work will continue on a campaign to promote French Second Language instruction. A larger number of courses will be delivered through new technology.

The 2006-2007 projects that will receive funding through the Canada-Manitoba Agreement are:

  1. Association des orthopédagogues de langue française du Manitoba (AOLFM) : Vers l’inclusion
  2. Beautiful Plains School Division: Promoting Basic French in Hazel M. Kellington School
  3. Brandon School Division: Living the Language – Francophone Culture for Teachers and Students
  4. Brandon School Division: Standards d’excellence
  5. Canadian Parents for French (CPF): French for Career Options
  6. Canadian Parents for French: French for FSL Parents
  7. Canadian Parents for French: French Multi-Media Kits
  8. Canadian Parents for French, l’Association manitobaine des directrices et directeurs d’écoles d’immersion (AMDI) and Manitoba Association of Teachers of French (MATF): French for All Promotional Campaign
  9. Conseil jeunesse provincial (CJP) : Rassemblement d’écoles d’immersion française
  10. Éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba (EFM) : Programme de jumelage
  11. Éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba : Programme destiné aux enseignantes et enseignants débutants
  12. Evergreen School Division: The “Evergreen” Project – Renewing French Education in our Communities
  13. Festival des vidéastes du Manitoba : Tournée au Manitoba – Caravane de formation vidéo FVM
  14. Flin Flon School Division: Intervention en lecture
  15. Flin Flon School Division: Northern Summer French Exposure Camp
  16. Flin Flon School Division: Video Conferencing for High School
  17. Freeze Frame: Courts-Circuits
  18. Interlake School Division: Améliorons le français!
  19. Kelsey School Division: French Immersion/Basic French Video Project – Senior High
  20. Louis Riel School Division: Animation culturelle
  21. Louis Riel School Division: Le Français intensif(LFI) Grade 6 and Follow-up Grade 7
  22. Manitoba Association of Teachers of French: Certificates for Grade 12 Basic French Graduates and LFI Graduates 
  23. Manitoba Association of Teachers of French (MATF): Teacher Mentorship Program
  24. Mountain View School Division: Video Conferencing Connection
  25. Mystery Lake School Division: Basic French Program Renewal
  26. Mystery Lake School Division: Basic French Teacher Professional Development
  27. Mystery Lake School Division: French Immersion Video Project – High School
  28. Pembina Trails School Division (PTSD): Français de base – Maternelle à la 3e année
  29. Pembina Trails School Division: Late French Immersion in PTSD
  30. Pembina Trails School Division: Linking French Immersion Middle Years Schools
  31. Radio communautaire Envol 91 FM (CKXL) : À la découverte du monde des médias par la formation journalistique
  32. Radio communautaire Envol 91 FM (CKXL) : La formation radio
  33. River East Transcona School Division: Participation culture jeunesse
  34. River East Transcona School Division: Partnership in French Courses for Basic French Teachers and Perfectionnement du français for French Immersion Teachers
  35. Rolling River School Division: Basic French Unit Developers Symposium
  36. Seven Oaks School Division: Bacs culturels en français
  37. Seven Oaks School Division: Plus de Français, s’il vous plaît/More French Please!
  38. St. James-Assiniboia School Division: French Arts Education – Grade 6 to Grade 12
  39. St. James-Assiniboia School Division: French Arts Education – Kindergarten to Grade 5
  40. St. James-Assiniboia School Division: French Immersion Kindergarten Literacy Kits
  41. St. James-Assiniboia School Division: Le Français intensif/Intensive French Program
  42. St. James-Assiniboia School Division: The Renewal and Revitalization of Basic French and French Immersion
  43. Sunrise School Division: Increasing Cultural Activities in French
  44. Sunrise School Division: Staff Development for Basic French Teachers
  45. Sunrise School Division: Staff Development for French Immersion Teachers
  46. Swan Valley School Division: Professional Development Program for Basic French Teachers
  47. Western School Division: Seeds of Change – Cultural Activities Kindergarten to Grade 12
  48. Western School Division: Seeds of Change – Early French Start Kindergarten to Grade 3
  49. Western School Division: Seeds of Change – Professional Development
  50. Winnipeg School Division: Basic French for Teachers
  51. Winnipeg School Division: Vidéofest

Project Descriptions

For a detailed description of the selected 2006-2007 projects, please refer to the 2006-2007 List of Selected Projects.


For further information, please contact:

Simone Touchette
Telephone: 204-945-6024, toll free 1-800-282-8069, ext. 6024
Fax: 204-945-1625