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MSC Notice 2003-4

The Securities Act

The Securities Act (Manitoba) permits a claim to be made for repayment of money lost through illegal or improper trading of securities conducted in Manitoba.

An order for compensation for financial loss may be issued following a Commission hearing if there is evidence at the hearing to show:

Types of eligible claims

Non-eligible claims

To make a claim

Review of claim

If your claim goes to a hearing

The Manitoba Securities Commission holds hearings to determine whether a person or company should be permitted to trade in securities in Manitoba. Hearings are held before members of the Commission who are independent of staff of the Commission. These members have not seen the evidence of the claim prior to the hearing and make a decision based on the evidence presented at the hearing.

Some facts about hearings

Following a hearing

Similar to a court, the members of the commission will review the evidence presented at the hearing and will make one of the following decisions:

Once an order for compensation for financial loss is made

As a decision to make a claim can affect your right to commence an action in court for loss or damages, it is strongly recommended that you seek independent legal advice to determine whether it is in your best interest to make a claim to the Commission. In addition, all court actions are subject to limitation dates, which means any court action must be started before a specific date. The limitation date to start a court action does not change as a result of a claim being made to the Commission. It is your responsibility to comply with any applicable limitation dates as there is no guarantee a decision will be made by the Director on a claim prior to the date a court action must be started.

Manitoba Securities Commission
January 31, 2003
Effective February 1, 2003