News Release

The Manitoba Securities Commission

The Manitoba
Commission des
valeurs mobilières
du Manitoba



1130-405 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3L6


Winnipeg, March 24, 2003 - Greg Selinger, Minister responsible for The Manitoba Securities Commission is pleased to announce that Sean Donald of Brandon, Manitoba will be awarded $750 for his winning essay in the "Test Your Financial I.Q." contest. Sean's essay was selected from 50 entries submitted by young people from around the province.

Sean will be travelling to Winnipeg on March 24, 2003, where the Chair of the Manitoba Securities Commission will present him with the award. "We hope that Sean uses some of the good ideas put forward in his essay to start planning for his financial future," said Ainsley Cunningham, Education Coordinator with the Commission.

Manitoba youth were challenged to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the world of saving and investing. In a short 500-750 word essay, youth were asked to respond to the following questions. "If you were to win the $2500 grand prize, how would you invest it and why. (Take into consideration your goals, time horizon, risk, diversification, and return). Do you think that it is important for young people your age to learn about investing? Why or why not?"

In a study conducted by Acumen Research in November 2001, youth were identified as needing to learn more about saving and investing. "Securities Commissions across the country are looking for creative and innovative ways to get kids involved in learning more about money and finances," said Cunningham. This contest seemed to spark their interest. " Times have changed and youth need to become financially literate. Good money habits formed now will give them a head start for their future."

The MSC contest is part of a national competition sponsored by the Canadian Securities Administrators. Thirteen winners will be selected, one from each province and territory. Sean's essay will be put forward to the national judging panel where the winning essay will be awarded an additional $2500. The Canadian Securities Administrators investor education committee will announce the national winner during Investor Education month, April 2003.

Anyone interested in obtaining educational material geared towards teaching youth about saving and investing are encouraged to contact the Commission at 945-4733.


  • Who
The Manitoba Securities Commission
  • What
Awarding of $750 cash prize to the provincial winner of the "Test Your Financial I.Q. Contest" - Sean Donald of Brandon, MB
  • Where
Manitoba Securities Commission offices, 1130-405 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB
  • When
March 24, 2003 at 3:00 PM


The winning essay was selected out of 50 provincial entries. The contest encouraged Manitoba youth to learn about saving and investing concepts.
CONTACT: Ainsley Cunningham, Education and Information Coordinator
(204) 945-4733