Teens Take Online Saving and Investing Quiz for the Chance to win $2000 Cash Scholarship

February 21, 2005 – Winnipeg, MB – Over 2,300 Manitoban youth will be invited to take a unique online quiz between February 21 and March 21 2005 to learn about the importance of saving and investing money for their future.

The Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) together with the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has developed the TYFIQ (Test Your Financial IQ) quiz with youth ages 15 to 21 in mind. “Young people are the group who can get the most benefit from saving and investing now because they have more time to make their money work and grow,” said Ainsley Cunningham , Education and Information Coordinator with the MSC.

The quiz, available at, features questions and facts about budgeting, saving and investing in a format that will appeal to Manitoba youth. Teachers are encouraged to use the Teachers resource materials found at together with the TYFIQ quiz as fun and informative learning tools.

“The age group we are targeting is already sold on interactive computer games. Our quiz combines engaging graphics, interesting facts and the draw of a number of great prizes to teach and motivate students to learn more about important financial concepts,” said Cunningham.

Manitobans who take the TYFIQ quiz and achieve a score of 60 per cent or better will be entered to win a personal digital camcorder. A total of 13 winners will be drawn, one winner per province and territory. Each winner will be invited to produce his or her own short video promoting the benefits of budgeting, saving and investing. The producer of the winning video will be awarded a $2,000 cash scholarship.

The 13 contest judges will be selected from eligible quiz participants across Canada and each judge will receive a personal DVD player.

The MSC is a special operating agency of the Government of Manitoba that protects investors and promotes fair and efficient business practices throughout the province. The Commission is dedicated to ongoing investor education.

The CSA, the council of the securities regulators of Canada’s provinces and territories, coordinates and harmonizes regulation for the Canadian capital markets.

Media contact: Ainsley Cunningham
Education and Information Coordinator
Manitoba Securities Commission
(204) 945-4733


The Manitoba Securities Commission is an independent office of the Government of Manitoba that protects investors and promotes fair and efficient business practices throughout the province. We are dedicated to ongoing investor education.