
The Canadian Jeiwsh News

Monday, August 17, 2015

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After the murder of a Palestinian baby and his father at the hands of arsonists widely believed to be extremist Jewish settlers, many in the international Jewish community are still reeling, rushing to distance themselves from the ultra-right-wing...
Shlomo Fischer, senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) and an expert on radical Jewish extremism, believes recent attacks by young haredi Jews in Israel – against a Galilee church and an Arab family in their home in the...
Recently, the Jewish world again witnessed a shameful lack of inclusiveness and the significant degree of religious intolerance in Israeli society. This time, the victims were nine autistic children and their families.  In Rehovot, Israel, a...
Last year, American blogger, lawyer and politician Jay Lefkowitz wrote an article for Commentary in which he described himself as “an observant Jew [who] began each day by reciting the morning prayers but wasn’t really sure how God fit...
Judaism preaches the existence of God with its every text, idea and law. To borrow a phrase from philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, the existence of God is one of the “irreducible and stubborn facts” of Judaism, a necessary first...
A wise colleague of mine has advice for anyone advocating a cause before a skeptical audience: when deciding whether to engage in discussion or politely move on, he says, consider if the question is being asked in order to start a conversation or to...

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