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As some of you know, we're working on a new Prog Blog website based on a new server, partly due to us crashing out last October during the Ontario election because the current server we are on couldn't handle the increased surge in traffic. Until we get on that new server, steps have been taken since to try to ensure the current site doesn't crash again, but if a situation like that was to occur, please visit this site where you will be updated on our site's status. Due to this increased traffic, we're also cutting down the announcements box a bit.

Sept 13/08 Prog Blog BBQ a success. Follow-up Event soon.

The September 13, 2008 at Vijay Sappani's place in Unionville was a good turnout, with 20 bloggers in attendance. Look for information on the follow-up event we're going to beholding Nov 2. Details to follow.

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If we had proportional representation, then all votes would matter in this federal election. Instead, with our first-past-the-post system, there is a chance that Canadians will get the "majority" Stephen Harper has been threatening. That is, a disproportionate number of…

- From Challenging the Commonplace on Sep 17, 17:58 EDT)

The whole Palin media circus in the US has totally disgusted me to the point that I would rather not talk about it, nor post about it.Today, however, a good friend and former journalist (as opposed to what passes for same these days) sent me a couple of illustrations of the person I like to…

- From The Galloping Beaver on Sep 17, 17:57 EDT)

Every 50 feet or so along a stretch of Terry Fox Drive in Kanata this afternoon there was a Re-elect Gordon O'Connor sign posted beside the roadway. In among the sea of blue signs were the torn out signs of the NDP and Liberal candidates (There may have been some Greens in there too, but I…

- From The View From The Lake on Sep 17, 17:42 EDT)

We don’t live in a class-based society, oh no siree. It’s all hunky dory. It’s not like anyone in the middle class would look down their nose at a neighbour who likes to save 50¢ for doing nothing more complicated than handing over a piece of paper worth that much to a…

- From Abandoned Stuff by Saskboy on Sep 17, 17:23 EDT)

Goose Bay might soon be home to an unspecified number of CF-18 Hornets, according to David Pugliese. Lots of anger there as you can see, although I don’t know how shocked they could be since I’ve reporting since April 2007 that the recommendation from CANSOFCOM is that JTF2…

- From The Robert Bond Papers on Sep 17, 17:17 EDT)

Well, someone tell Lucifer to turn on the furnace. It’s bound to get a little cold down there, now that we have the first “official” single from Axl Rose/GnR’s long-delayed opus, Chinese Democracy. The angle? Axl has decided to release it through Rock Band 2. Have a…

- From Nunc Scio on Sep 17, 17:16 EDT)

First Denise Donlon. Second, Mansbridge is sidelined in favour of J.D Roberts. What's that? Never heard of J.D. Roberts? That's because he went south of the border, lost the mullet and had a total makeover. Now they call him John Roberts. And since Mercer and Murphy are getting kinda…

- From The Robert Bond Papers on Sep 17, 17:00 EDT)

Apparently the Conservative Party candidate for Vancouver-Kingsway doesn't have much to say about himself or his party: Very nice site design if one is into ultra-minimalism.

- From mike watkins dot ca on Sep 17, 16:54 EDT)

From Kevin Colton, Campaign Manager for Natalie Odd:"The Calgary Centre campaign is happy to announce that our downtown store-front office is open and ready for business! We are having an office opening party this Friday night, Sept. 19 @ 7:00 pm. We are willing and able to share the office…

- From The Enlightened Savage on Sep 17, 16:32 EDT)

A faithful pitcher plant called one of the radio call in shows today continuing the My ABC claim.  That is, the whole Danny Williams ABC Family Feud is not partisan and not all about Danny Williams.  It's a movement for the people by the people. There you have it. But if that's…

- From The Robert Bond Papers on Sep 17, 16:32 EDT)

I think Stephen Taylor has a strong point regarding the abuse of parliamentary privilege by certain staffers supporting a certain Ottawa Centre Liberal candidate... Spotted on Parliament Hill

- From The Wheatsheaf on Sep 17, 16:24 EDT) -srbp-

- From The Robert Bond Papers on Sep 17, 16:13 EDT)

I went to a Stephane Dion rally at Kitchener's Conestoga College today. They must have been expecting a lot fewer people than they got, because they had re-arranged a large room so that it held only 100 people or less and they got three or four times that. I managed to see the proceedings…

- From Yappa Ding Ding on Sep 17, 16:06 EDT)

Ich bin schon seit Montag morgen in Toronto, habe hier aber noch kein Internet, sodass ich mich jetzt erst von der York Uni aus melden kann. Ich bin zur Zeit bei Ingar und habe mittlerweile einen recht ueppigen Stundenplan aller interessanter Kurse, die ich seit gestern besuche. Die Titel und…

- From Matthias de Marburg Qubec on Sep 17, 15:49 EDT)

Remember that the Nanos poll is a roiling poll of two days. That means that when it shows a party go up 1%, for example, they may have actually gone up .5% on day one and 1.5% on day two. This is important when you read this poll here, which is the Nanos poll for the last two days.Why do I…

- From Cherniak on Politics on Sep 17, 15:47 EDT)

So, Harper’s “never thrown a stone.” Geez! Does he even drink beer? Thank goodness he doesn’t eat his hot dogs with a knife and a fork, eh? By the way, I’ve been really down on Dion’s rather hapless campaigning during the first week, but I have to say that I was quite…

- From Red Tory on Sep 17, 15:43 EDT)

Check out this hilarious vid on Sarah Palin

- From Rolling Back the Tide of Extremism, One Post at a Time on Sep 17, 15:17 EDT)

many of us have long suspected that the harper government doesn't have anything left to say that they haven't already said.WELLAND, Ont. — Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday he would move to further clamp down on marketing of tobacco products to children.The Conservatives have…

- From where'd that bug go on Sep 17, 15:15 EDT)

I've written three posts over the past couple of months focused on the GST for municipalities. One was in response to a TorStar report on the Liberal strategy for municipalities. The second responded to another (and supporting) editorial in The Star. The third was a copy of my letter written…

- From Challenging the Commonplace on Sep 17, 15:01 EDT)

John McCain gets goofier by the day. He'll say anything that suits him at the moment and, to be charitable, he probably can't tell fact from fiction any longer. The guy who would be POTUS has completely lost touch with reality. Here he is discussing why Palin is capable to handle…

- From Rolling Back the Tide of Extremism, One Post at a Time on Sep 17, 14:04 EDT)

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Frowns, fidgeting and half-hearted applause rippled through an audience of about 1,000 Calgarians on Monday.  Eerie. Because this was not, as you might have expected from such a subdued reaction, a Liberal campaign event. Instead it was CEDA's annual Economic Outlook, an occasion that usually triggers aggressive enthusiasm from our business communtiy. Not this year. Although the TD Banks' Chief Economist, Don Drummond, maintained a cheerful demeanour throughout, his message was anything but. A mere 1.5% annual growth rate is forecast for Canada over the coming year. Even that lowball estimate was hedged, given that the impact of massive US market failures (Lehman, Merrill Lynch and AIG) had not been included in his forecast. Worse yet was Drummond's frank assessment of what the credit crisis truly means to a commodity rich country. "Cash-starved banks," he said, "are simply not lending money."  Without lines of credit, commodity plays...
Although the issue has been set aside mainly in favour of warm fuzzies, discussions on vegetables, a bizarrely constructed game of who is a leader and the cult of personality, the questions still remain about the Listeria deaths and poisonings, and how much food/product safety deregulation have the Cons been implementing behind our backs? In China, there is a frenzy going on, over intentionally tainted powdered milk and its inclusion in baby formula. Melamine. Again. Over 6200 babies, are now sick, and 3 are dead.  More than 1,000 children were still in hospital, Mr Chen said, of whom more than 150 were suffering acute kidney failure. Kidney stones, and urinary tract problems are the resulting health problems. How in the hell could something like that end up in a food product meant for babies?  read more
Just perusing through the Green party platform today and there seemed to be a few things missing.First, there was nothing really credible on health care. It is one of Canadians' top three issues and the Green plan really showcases their inexperience and lack of understanding on this file. There was not one mention of how to address the shortage of family doctors- the problem that many Canadian health care woes stem from.But there was an even more peculiar ommission.The Greens say that one of their three main principles is "grassroots democracy" but nowhere in their platform do they mention electoral reform. Could it be that they have given up on fighting for proportional representation? If they haven't given up on PR, they have at least moved it so far back that it gets no mention in the eight-page document. Even their plan to raise the GST gets a mention.A few words that do feature prominently throught the platform: Green tax Shift.Yup. It's looking more and more like May and the Gree...
Emerson raising hackles in Vancouver-Kingsway David Emerson may not be running again -- but in the middle of the campaign -- constituents are still receiving his mailings, promoting the Conservative Party's track record, mailings paid for with taxpayers dollars One of them is Vancouver - Kingsway resident - Jonathan Williams, who got some unexpected mail this week. In the middle of an election campaign - Williams received newsletter from MP David Emerson promoting the Conservative party. Political advertising must be paid for by the party or candidate. The catch though is that if the newsletter was sent prior to the election being called -- even just one day prior -- it's technically within the rules. Sigh. What do you expect from either Emerson or the Conservative "we don't care about what's right" Party of Canada.
Contrary to the strong leader archetype that Mr. Harper likes to play at, there's a crucial aspect to leadership that's missing from the picture. Strong leaders don't hide from interaction with the public. Look at what's going on in Ontario as Harper travels through. It's clear that his operation's modus operandi is secrecy and stifling of dissent, and they're trying to use the RCMP to enforce it:Protesters were expected to dog Mr. Harper for a second straight day during campaign stops in Ontario. The RCMP security detail that travels with the prime minister held a special meeting Tuesday night after a handful of protesters from the Canadian Auto Workers used bullhorns and sirens to disrupt Mr. Harper's housing tax credit announcement in Kitchener, Ont. Though the prime minister's safety was never in question, his campaign staff were pressing the RCMP to silence or move the protesters so that Mr. Harper's announcement could proceed as planned. The Conservatives and the RCMP security...
Is it just me, or has the national and local (at least here in Saskatoon) media been giving far more coverage to the NDP over the past 10 days, compared to the last few elections? Though purely a subjective overview, I have noticed that the major networks have moved their NDP stories ahead of the Liberals, [...]
by matttbastard Paleocon blogger Daniel Larison doesn’t think much of the “anti-establishment” credentials of candidates (in this instance, Sarah Palin and Barack Obama) who belong to, brazenly court, and are eagerly championed by establishment parties: [T]his entire debate about the anti-establishment populism Palin supposedly represents and its similarity or lack of it to Bush’s style simply reproduces McCain [...]
Your website link for the day: The title of the website is Vote Anything BUT Conservative. It’s been shortened down however to Anything But Conservative, or ABC. Also, a nice link to Newfoundland Premier Danny William’s ABC site, as well as pointing to their “Anything But Conservative - Project ABC” Facebook group. H/T: Nottawa
Check out this chart from Ekos, via Paul Wells. You'll note that, for all the screeching Liberals circa 2004-5 did about the NDP stealing their votes, in this case the NDP is almost entirely innocent: the Liberals have lost many more votes to the Tories, and almost as many votes to the Greens, as they have to the NDP. Kind of makes you wonder why the Liberals have helped out the Greens as much as they have.(Some have objected to this contention, for reasons that elude me: the Liberals, since shortly before Dion was elected, have trumpeted their friendship with the Green party, and helped raise the party's national standing.)Some basic questions here: How progressive is the Liberal Party? We saw in 2006 that the (non-Conservative) party most comfortable with the prospect of a Stephen Harper majority is... the Liberals. Now we see defecting Liberals as the single biggest source of vote-crossers for the Conservative party.To answer my own question: the Liberal Party is getting more a...
Your daily dose of the ever so polite Canadian punditry. Hicks on Six No one can question the success of the Canadian and American government trickle-down programs. Tax breaks for the rich and for powerful corporations have resulted in over a million new jobs. The jobs are located in China, India and South Korea. Greg Weston Charged with ensuring the prime [...]
An "ABC" campaign, and accompanying website that not only looks good, but actually makes sense!
“The announcements every day of these opposition parties are mind-boggling — billions and billions of dollars every single day, all to be financed with taxes.” - Stephen Harper, September 17, 2008, National Post “From June 2 to Sept. 6…the [Conservative] government made announcements with a $19.2-billion pricetag, or the equivalent of $198-million a day or more [...]
So Mr Harper wants to change the rules for foreign investment. I guess he really did want to give a US arms manufacturer control of tax payer created Canadian innovative technologies. Canadians must keep control of our inventions and leadership in communications technologies.
Now, let me get this right. Steve wants Canadians to give him a majority so that the opposition parties don't sabotage his government's ability to deal with the coming economic crisis.Sabotage? This, of course, coming from the guy who ensured that every member of his caucus had a manual on how to subvert parliament, especially parliamentary committees. A manual. A how-to-sabotage-government handbook. And this arrogant clown, without offering the slightest evidence, claims the opposition parties would do what only his party has done to date. What a sphincter!So, no evidence of sabotage plans beyond Steve's word and he's shown us all we need to know about what his word is worth. He's not quite John McCain yet but he could get there.But, better yet, why doesn't Steve tell us what his government plans to do about this looming economic crisis? He's had the reins of power these past two years, he's got all the experts working for him. He ought to be coming to the voters with a concrete plan....
There's been plenty of discussion already about the possibility that the Libs might drop into third place behind the NDP in the upcoming federal election - usually with some recognition that it would require some significant misstep by the Libs to fall out of their longstanding perch as one of the two default options. But Stephane Dion seems to have written exactly the script which could make that happen:Stéphane Dion is lauding Liberal budget discipline, but refused this morning to categorically state that he would never allow the federal government to go into deficit if the economy slides."I will not speculate about how much an economy may go down. I just want to tell you that we need to have strong fiscal discipline. To never overcommit, to come with strong policies that are well-targeted, to never use the money of the taxpayers unwisely," he told reporters in London, Ont.Asked twice more if he will commit to keeping Ottawa out of deficit even if the economy falls into deep recessi...
Not much change in the national numbers today, but there does appear to be a favorable trend for the Liberals in Ontario. Important to remember, in the months leading up to the election call polling generally showed the Liberals well ahead in Ontario, so the recent flip to the Conservatives is clearly soft support. What we might be seeing now, those voters returning to the Liberal fold. Whether it be NANOS, Decima or Strategic Counsel, they all show a good trend line for the Liberals.NANOS shows the Liberals re-taking the lead in Ontario:Libs 40% (up 3%)Cons 33% (down 5%)NDP 17% (up 1%)Greens 10% (-)A pretty sizeable jump, but that tends to be borne out in the Strategic Counsel battleground poll:The Conservatives have lost altitude in swing Ontario ridings, a new poll suggests, with their lead shrinking to its lowest level so far this campaign in these key battlegrounds.The Tories have a five-point lead over the Liberals in 20 Ontario ridings where the race was tightest in the last ...
Cross posted at The Stop Stephen Harper Blog:It seems Quebec premier and former Tory Jean Charest is none to happy with Harper's slashing of arts funding.
My friend at wmtc posted this morning about the "sacrifice medal" which is being awarded to Canadian soldiers who are killed in Afghanistan. In the news is a Regina man who was told his son would not be awarded the medal, because he was accidentally killed by a fellow soldier. Apparently, the medal only goes to soldiers killed or wounded as a direct result of hostile action. Although I don't think our troops are helping the overall situation and should be withdrawn, I do think the majority of our soldiers had good intentions and wanted to honour their country; I think if medals are to be given out, the cause of death should not matter.But there is a more significant fact to come out of this story: of almost 100 Canadian soldiers who have died, 13 will not be getting the medal. That's 13. Does that figure not bother anyone? Hey, Canadians! If you get deployed to Afghanistan and end up getting killed, the chance of it happening by accident are greater than 10%! "Sorry, buddy. ...
Watching the meltdown of the financial sector of the global economy (yes, it's global) can be confusing to most of us. I know, (aside from the fact that I saw US sub-prime lending as dangerous and highly dubious from the start and felt that it was a hollow scheme which had no place to go but into a disaster), that what happened to have led to the collapse of long-established investment banks and large insurers was largely a mystery to me. Once the borrower had been given a mortgage they had little chance of repaying I had difficulty sorting out where things went from there.Luckily, the Business Pundit has put together an easy to understand Subprime Primer in 45 pages of simple cartoons. When you've clicked through the whole thing, what's happening today will probably make a little more sense. And, while the cartoons are done humourously, you are probably going to come away very, very angry.Have.... fun?=====The Business Pundit is clearly getting a lot of traffic these days and pages ma...