The stations included in the permanent thermograph network are selected through a process involving numerous consultations. The program aims to cover all coastal and offshore areas of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence using a minimum of stations. Good spatial and temporal coverage should permit the creation of a climatology atlas for this zone while also meeting shorter-term needs for this type of data.

  Bic Lower St. Lawrence / Gaspésie
  Three thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1, 2, and 5.8 metres.
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 0.5 and 11.6 metres.
  Maurice Lamontagne Institute  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 0.5 and 11.6 metres.
  Grande Rivière  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 2 and 7 metres.
  Mont Louis Estuary / Anticosti Island
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 0.5 and 30 metres.
  Port Menier  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 2 and 12.8 metres.
  Borden Prince Edward Island
  A thermograph records water temperature at a depth of 3.5 metres.
This station also collects winter data.
  Shag Island Magdalen Islands
  Two thermograph record water temperature at depths of 1 and 10 metres.
This station also collects winter data at a depth of 10 metres.
  La Perle  
  A thermograph records water temperature at a depth of 1 metre.
  Tadoussac Saguenay Fjord
  Two thermographs record temperature et depths of 2 and 30 metres.
  Baie-Comeau Québec's North Shore
  Two thermographs record temperature at depths of 1 and 80 metres.
  Sept Îles  
  Two thermographs record temperature at depths of 2 and 25 metres.
  Rivière au Tonnerre  
  A thermograph records water temperature at a depth of 16 metres.
  Havre St. Pierre  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 2 and 100 metres.
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 7.5 metres.
  La Romaine  
  Three thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1, 2, and 14 metres.
  La Tabatière  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 36 metres.
  Blanc Sablon  
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 36 metres.
  One thermograph record water temperature at depth of 105 metres.
  Bonne Bay Newfoundland
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 25 metres.
This station also collects winter data at a depth of 25 metres.
  Banc Beaugé North-East Gulf
  Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 96 metres.
  Irving Whale Southern Gulf

Two thermographs record water temperature at depths of 1 and 67 metres.


One thermograph record water temperature at depths of 0.5 metre.