
Understanding the structure and duties of everyone associated with the Government of Manitoba, and other notable dignitaries such as the province’s Lieutenant- Governor, is just a mouse click away. Learn more about our province’s premier, cabinet ministers and member of the legislative assembly and how government, elections and the court system works.

Lieutenant Governor
The Queen’s representative in Manitoba is The Honourable John Harvard. Visit the official web site of the Lieutenant Governor:


Executive Council
Find out more about the Premier and his cabinet ministers:

Premier’s website

Premier’s Cabinet: Members from the governing party, as selected by the Premier, make up cabinet. Each minister is responsible for a portfolio and participates in making government policy decisions. Ministers are responsible in law and accountable to the legislature for certain actions taken in ministries or departments.


Legislative Assembly
The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba is the legislative branch of government in Manitoba and is made up of fifty-seven members who are elected to this assembly in provincial general elections.

Speaker of the House

Members of the Legislative Assembly

Members Current Standings

Caucus Offices

Question Period: Watch Question Period live.

Independent Offices of the Legislative Assembly:

Elections Manitoba


Auditor General

Children’s Advocate



Manitoba Courts: Find out more about Manitoba’s court system.

Court Registry System: The Court Registry System contains records of documents filed and hearings scheduled for selected Manitoba courts.

Manitoba Laws

Manitoba Justice