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Welcome to the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC) home page.

Public Involvement

The CEC is an arms-length provincial agency that encourages and facilitates public involvement in environmental matters and offers advice and recommendations to the Minister of Conservation with respect to environmental issues, project approvals and environmental licenses.

The Commission’s major area of activity is the facilitation of public hearings on a variety of environmental matters. The Commission may also conduct investigations into environmental issues as well as act as a mediator to resolve differences of opinion in environmental management. The Clean Environment Commission’s activities do not include the development or enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.

This website is designed to assist those wishing to participate in the debate on environmental issues easy access to the participation process, links to relevant information, up-to-date information on ongoing hearings and current information on CEC activities.

We Want Your Feedback 

The website also allows us to hear from you. We welcome your comments, questions and advice on improving our work on behalf of all Manitobans.

Need Help?

Do you need more information regarding:

  • Environmental permits and licensing
  • Environment Act: inspections, violations, enforcement
  • Testing of soil or air quality
  • Recycling & waste
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Government of Manitoba
Manitoba Clean Environment Commission 305-155 Carlton St. Wpg, MB, R3C 3H8 Canada
Fax: 204.945.0090 Phone: 204.945.0594 or toll free in Manitoba 800.597.3556