Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


September 21, 2006


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Irvin-Ross Promoted to Cabinet, Oswald New Health Minister

Building Manitoba’s infrastructure and sharpening the province’s competitive edge are the focus of cabinet changes which include Scott Smith leading the new department of competitiveness, training and trade, Premier Gary Doer announced today.

“We have consistently maintained that it is impossible to have an economic strategy without a solid education and training strategy,” said Doer. “The new department of competitiveness will bring together industry and training to both grow Manitoba businesses and invest in skill development, and attract and retain skilled workers in Manitoba.

“Scott has served on Treasury Board for several years and brings an enormous amount of valuable experience from his intergovernmental work with governments across Canada,” said Doer. “His experience working as a member of Brandon’s Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and a director of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities will serve us well in his new role.”

Ron Lemieux will lead the new department of infrastructure which will be responsible for managing the province’s major infrastructure projects and programs including highways, the Red River Floodway, the Water Services Board, the Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Programs and the Building Manitoba Fund.

“Since 1999, we have been focused on addressing the infrastructure needs of our hospitals, schools, universities and colleges,” said Doer. “Today, a new infrastructure department will better co-ordinate infrastructure investments as we turn our focus toward rebuilding our roads and highways.”

Theresa Oswald is the new health minister replacing retiring health minister Tim Sale. Oswald chaired the premier’s Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Task Force and has served as the minister of healthy living since she was promoted to cabinet in October 2004.

“Tim has been a cornerstone of our cabinet since 1999,” said Doer. “His intellect and work ethic have enabled him to succeed in a number of roles including that of Manitoba’s first energy minister.

“Theresa Oswald brings an enormous amount of energy to one of the most demanding portfolios in any government. I am confident Theresa will bring to the position the dedication and commitment required by the challenges and rewards of being health minister.”

The new face of cabinet also includes the promotion of Kerri Irvin-Ross as healthy living minister who is also responsible for Healthy Child Manitoba.

Irvin-Ross was elected in June 2003 as the MLA for Fort Garry. A rural Saskatchewan native, she holds a psychiatric nursing diploma and a master's degree in social work.

“Kerri’s grassroots experience and enthusiasm for children and seniors will serve her well in promoting healthy living for young and old alike,” said Doer.

After seven years as Manitoba’s attorney general, Gord Mackintosh will take on new challenges within family services and housing. Dave Chomiak is Manitoba’s new attorney general.

“Gord’s intelligence and focus has enabled him to press the legal boundaries for counter measures against organized crime,” said Doer. “Together with Child Find Manitoba, Gord was instrumental in the development of, Canada’s first national tip line designed to protect our children from online predators. The same focus and experience that ushered in child-friendly courtrooms, Lighthouses and helped make Internet luring a criminal offence will serve us well in caring for some of our most vulnerable children.

“I am confident Dave’s legal training and passion for community safety will only build on the significant work we have achieved so far.”

The cabinet in order of precedence is (with new ministers and portfolios in bold):

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