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Healthy Living Manitoba

Physical health is so much more than the absence of disease. In the same way, mental wellness is much more than the absence of a mental illness.

Having good mental health means having a positive sense of well-being, as well as a belief in our own (and others') dignity and worth.

Mental health is how each of us feel, think and act to improve our ability to enjoy life. It is also how resilient we are in dealing with the challenges we face every day. Mental health also has a significant impact on physical health.

Mental health promotion involves actions to improve the mental well-being of individuals, families, organizations and communities. Because everyone has mental health needs, mental health promotion programs target the whole community.


Mental health promotion includes a variety of strategies aimed at having a positive effect on mental health. These strategies work with the whole community to enhance mental wellness.  They also include primary prevention in areas like suicide prevention, eating disorders and problematic substance use - through the enhancement of self-esteem, resiliency and effective decision-making skills.

Links and Resources

Aboriginal Mental Health
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Mental Health Association (Manitoba)
Canadian Health Network
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Eating Disorders Association of Manitoba
Healthy Child Manitoba
Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures
Healthy Schools Initiative
Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line
Manitoba Schizophrenia Society
Mental Health and Addictions, Manitoba Health
Mental Health Education Resource Centre of Manitoba
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba
National Eating Disorders Information Centre
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Centre
Public Health Agency of Canada Mental Health Promotion Unit
Regional Health Authorities in Manitoba
World Health Organization



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