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What is Neighbourhoods Alive! ?
What are the goals of Neighourhoods Alive! ?
What are the neighbourhoods Alive! communities?
How does Neighbourhoods Alive! work?

What is Neighbourhoods Alive?

The Manitoba Government created Neighbourhoods Alive! to provide community organizations in designated neighbourhoods with the support they need to rebuild these neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods Alive! recognizes that often the best ideas for neighbourhood revitalization come from the community itself. The aim of Neighbourhoods Alive! is to support these ideas and goals with funding and planning assistance.

Neighbourhoods Alive! works with

- residents;
- community groups;
- schools;
- businesses; and
- other local organizations

Together, we can build on the existing strengths and experiences of communities, and take into account the distinctive needs, conditions and priorities of individual neighbourhoods.

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What are the goals of Neighbourhoods Alive! ?

Neighbourhoods Alive! is a long-term, community-based, social and economic development strategy that recognizes that building healthy neighbourhoods requires more than an investment in bricks and mortar. As a result, Neighbourhoods Alive! supports and encourages community-driven revitalization efforts in designated neighbourhoods in a number of key areas including:

- housing and physical improvements;
- employment and training;
- education and recreation; and
- safety and crime prevention

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Where are the Neighbourhoods Alive! communities?

Support from Neighbourhoods Alive! is available to community organizations in designated neighbourhoods in Winnipeg, Brandon and Thompson. These cities have been chosen because of the immediate opportunity to link Neighbourhoods Alive! to existing revitalization programs offered by the municipalities and federal government. By working with other levels of government, Neighbourhoods Alive! maximizes the assistance available to community groups, while providing single-window access to a range of government services.

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How Does Neighbourhoods Alive! work?

Neighbourhoods Alive! is a provincial initiative that coordinates programs and services that support the effort of communities to revitalize their neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods Alive! is a doorway through which the community can access support
from a range of new and existing programs aimed at community renewal.

Click here for more information about the programs.

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