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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade

Manitoba Labour Market Information

High Demand Occupations

This report identifies occupations that are currently in high demand in Manitoba, and are expected to continue to be in high demand over the next two years. High demand occupations are those that employers are likely to have difficulties in filling. Most high demand occupations involve a lengthy training period, which prevents rapid adjustment of supply to demand, although a few occupations are included because of active recruitment. For those occupations, there is generally a large supply of qualified or almost qualified people, as they tend to have shorter training periods. Occupations are listed by their National Occupational Classification Code (NOC), but there are a large number of vacancies.

High Demand Skills In Manitoba

This list provides skills that are currently of interest to employers in Manitoba. While some of the skills are essential across a wide range of occupations, others are related to a specific occupation. Individuals may be able to upgrade their skills while on the job; however, most employers expect employees to already possess the skills they require prior to being hired.

High Demand Skills in Aboriginal Communities

This section lists occupations and skills that are in high demand in Manitoba's Aboriginal reserve communities.

Manitoba Prospects Career Planning Guide

Provided as an insert to Manitoba Prospects, the Career Planning Guide summarizes 200 Manitoba occupations, describing industries of employment, long term employment outlook, salaries, training and education routes, recommended high school courses.

Manitoba Job Futures

Currently consists of over 200 occupational profiles. These provide detailed information on employment prospects, wages and salaries, skills, working conditions, and education/training routes. The profiles address current and anticipated conditions in the Manitoba labour market and are developed for students, guidance counselors, parents, or anyone choosing or changing a career.

Manitoba Prospects

This career-planning tabloid is designed for students, teachers, parents, guidance and employment counsellors as well as for individuals interested in changing careers or re-entering the labour market.


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