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Driver Licensing
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 Driver Licences
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   Address/Name Change
 Licence Classes (pdf)

Driver Licensing > Overview

Driver's Licence

Before driving any class of vehicle on a roadway, you must obtain a driver's licence authorizing you to operate that class of motor vehicle, and you must pay the prescribed licence charge. When you obtain a driver's licence in Manitoba, the total charge includes two fees: one for the licence and the other for basic driver insurance. The regulations for driver's licences are contained in The Highway Traffic Act and The Drivers and Vehicles Act. Licence charges are found in the Highway Traffic Act Regulations and insurance premiums are described in The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act.

First Application for a Driver's Licence

Every new applicant must produce proof of birth date and proof of identity. Certified copies by lawyers, barristers or notary public will be accepted. For more information see Driver Testing.

Photo Driver’s Licence

A Manitoba driver’s licence has two parts. The Photo Identification Card (Part 1) is renewed every four years. The Driver’s Licence Certificate (Part 2) expires on the last day of your birth month and is renewed every year. When you get your first driver’s licence, you will be photographed at a photo driver licensing facility.

Photo Identification Card
Under the age of 18 years (Part 1)
Photo Identification Card
Over the age of 18 years (Part 1)

This temporary
is valid with
or without the Photo
Identification Card.

This permanent Driver's Licence Certificate (Part 2) is mailed to the driver to replace the temporary licence. It must be carried with the Photo Identification Card (Part 1) to be valid.

This permanent Driver's Licence Certificate (Part 2) displays a validation sticker which is applied at the time the driver's licence is renewed. The Driver's Licence Certificate must be carried with the Photo Identification Card (Part 1) to be valid.

An Amendment is mailed to the driver when information has been updated on the driver's file (Example: address change). The Amendment must be carried with the valid green Driver's Licence Certificate (Part 2) and the Photo Identification Card (Part 1). It is not valid on its own.

Both your Photo Identification Card and Driver’s Licence Certificate must be in your possession at all times while driving and must be produced, along with the Vehicle Registration Card, when requested by a peace officer. Note: Drivers under the age of 18 years are issued Photo Identification Cards with the year they turn 18 appearing in the background of the card. The exact date of the driver’s eighteenth birthday is also shown.

Change of Name or Address

You are required to notify Driver and Vehicle Licensing or an authorized driver licensing agent within 15 days of any change in your name or address.

For more information please contact:

Driver Licensing information line at (204) 985-1100 or toll-free (866) 323-0544.

Illegal Use of Driver’s Licence

You may be fined and your driver’s licence suspended if you misuse a driver’s licence. Examples of misuse include, but are not necessarily limited to:

Overview | GDL Program | Testing | Service Outlets | Charges | Records | Publications | Consequences of Unsafe Driving | FAQs

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