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Ease of Doing Business

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Skills development, streamlining services and removing barriers for business are just some of the areas smaller enterprises have identified as important to on-going competitiveness. The government recognizes what is good for business is good for Manitoba and has been responding with new initiatives to assist small businesses.

Running a business is a huge endeavour that demands both hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Moving forward, the government is committed to making it even easier to do business in Manitoba. Suggestions and feedback from you will help determine what the next steps will be.

There are several new initiatives that are making it easier to do business:

Business Gateway:
The Business Gateway, is an initiative to enhance the menu of federal and provincial business information services, based on the Canada-Manitoba Business Service Centre’s one-stop-shop for integrated click, call and visit services. This site is user friendly and easily accessible.

BizCoach Manitoba:
Provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to seek guidance from experienced business owners on the many facets of running a business, including start-up, financial and Human resource management, access to capital, sales and marketing, growth and expansion and networking. By linking entrepreneurs with experienced business mentors, BizCoach assists small businesses in reaching their full potential.

Business Start:
Helps new ventures get started with Business Planning workshops, individual business consultations and provincial government-backed loan guarantees for Business Start loans of up to $20,000.

One Business, One Number:
To simplify business’ dealings with government, Manitoba has adopted the Business Number (BN) to replace the multiple numbers previously used to identify the same business.  The national Business Number (BN), administered by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), is recognized by federal and provincial jurisdictions and is the enabler to achieve the concept of and commitment to “One Business, One Number.“

In 2003, Manitoba commenced providing the BN to businesses upon registration at Companies Office and Manitoba Finance-Taxation, two significant provincial government programs.  Manitoba is continuing to work toward the use of the BN by all program areas that serve business.  

As e-government continues to develop, the BN will enable integrated registration with federal, provincial and as legislation permits, with municipal programs.  Businesses will be able to register electronically for multi-jurisdictional programs through a single window.  As importantly, for those ever-increasing government programs participating with the BN, updates, such as a new address, will only need to be provided once.

Companies office-online name registration:
Reserving a name for your business is easy and can now be done entirely over the Internet.  Since July of 2002, the first step in registering a business, the reservation of the name, can be accomplished entirely over the internet. In-person visits or the mailing of these documents are no longer necessary. The reservations can be proposed 24 hours a day and responses are provided within one business day, or less. At this time, 42% of reservation requests are filed online, and 73% of responses go out in an automated (email or fax) fashion.

Personal Property Registry:
The Personal Property Registry introduced an online service several years ago. Prior to the rollout of this system forms had to be filled out manually, sent to the registry, requiring separate payment of fees, data entered into the system and confirmation of the registration sent out by mail. With implementation, electronic submission of information was introduced with the ability to return the confirmation by email. Now between 95% and 97% of all registrations are electronic, saving on paper as well as having substantial service enhancements.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centres
New and existing entrepreneurs in Manitoba have access to the business and trade programs, information, research, and contacts they need to help make informed business decisions when starting or growing a business. The C/MBSC’s Entrepreneurial Learning Program offers new and existing businesses the opportunity to build their competitive edge with new skills and knowledge.

Since January 2006, the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre has received shared access to the Companies office database.  This allows C/MBSC to conduct searches on behalf of clients to determine company name availability without applying to the Companies Office and incurring a fee to search and reserve a name.

Call toll free 1-800-665-2019, view the website at, visit our main office at 250-240 Graham Ave. in Winnipeg or visit one of our 33 regional offices throughout Manitoba.

Consumers’ Bureau
In 1998, amendments to The Consumer Protection Act came into effect that harmonized requirements related to direct selling.  This included a standardized Buyer’s Right to Cancel that is used by vendors who are direct-selling goods and/or services to consumers.  The harmonized Buyer’s Right to Cancel is now in effect in all provinces that regulate direct selling.

Manitoba amended its registration and labeling requirements under the Bedding and Other Upholstered or Stuffed Articles Regulation of The Public Health Act in 2004 to harmonize with Ontario and Quebec.  This makes it easier for those businesses requiring authorization in all three jurisdictions to comply.

In 2005, Manitoba passed legislation to harmonize cost of credit disclosure requirements which will come into effect in 2007.  These changes had been agreed to by federal, provincial and territorial governments and are in effect under the federal Bank Act and in Alberta and Ontario and are intended to make it easier for businesses to operate across the country.

Hometown Manitoba
Hometown Manitoba provides financial support for rural and northern community projects.   Hometown Main Streets provides support to non-profit organizations, small businesses and cooperatives that focus on upgrading the appearance of building exteriors, structures and exterior spaces in main street areas.


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