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Minister of Culture, Heritage and Tourism

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Eric Robinson
Minister of Culture, Heritage and Tourism; minister responsible for Sport.

Eric Robinson was appointed by Premier Gary Doer to the Culture, Heritage and Tourism portfolio on September 25, 2002. Previously, he was Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs and Minister charged with the administration of The Communities Economic Development Fund Act.

He was first elected as the NDP MLA for Rupertsland in a by-election in September, 1993 and was re-elected in the 1995 general election. He was previously the NDP Critic for Native Affairs and for the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry.

Eric is from Cross Lake First Nation, Treaty #5. He has maintained strong ties to Northern communities and has been active on aboriginal issues for many years. He has worked for the Assembly of First Nations and the Brotherhood of Indian Nations among other aboriginal organizations.

He was a researcher for the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry and is a strong supporter of the recommendations of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry report.

Eric's communications expertise is extensive and includes work in radio as a broadcaster and producer for CBC North Country in Churchill and Thompson, broadcasting in Cree and English. He has also worked for Native Communications Incorporated broadcasting in northern and southern Manitoba. He was a founder of the Native Media Network, co-author of the book INFESTED BLANKET, as well as a facilitator and master of ceremonies for many traditional and cultural events.

Eric and his wife Catherine have one daughter, Shaneen. He has been politically active as a President, Vice President and Director of many organizations.

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