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Home | 2006 Camput Annual Conference

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2006 CAMPUT Annual Conference

May 14 - 17, 2006 – The Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario.

Conference Theme: "Effective Energy Regulation in an Evolving Policy Environment"  

Delegate List

Click here for the delegate list (PDF)


Monday, May 15: Views on Policy
Pierre Alvarez, President, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers -- presentation
Murray Smith, Minister-Counsellor, Alberta Representative in the U.S. -- presentation

Monday, May 15: Views on Regulation
Mark Jaccard, Professor, School of Resource and Environment Management, Simon Fraser University --
paper | presentation
Jean-Marc Carpentier, President, Communications Jean-Marc Carpentier Inc. -- presentation

Monday, May 15: Armchair Discussion -- Vision for Effective Regulation Across North America
Kenneth Vollman, Chairman, National Energy Board -- presentation
Neil McCrank, Chairman, Alberta Energy and Utilities Board -- presentation; survey
Francisco Salazar, Chairman, Comisión Reguladora de Energía, Mexico -- presentation

Tuesday, May 16: How do we keep the lights on?
Yakout Mansour, President and CEO, California ISO -- presentation

Tuesday, May 16: Energy Infrastructure -- Needed Now? NIMBY? or NOPE (not on planet Earth)
Hal Kvisle, Chief Executive Officer, TransCanada Corporation -- presentation
Chief Strater Crowfoot, Vice-Chairman, Indian Taxation Advisory Board -- presentation

Tuesday, May 16: Generating Electricity from Natural Gas -- Has the "dash to gas" run its course? Is it time to re-think nuclear-fueled generation?
Tom Adams, Executive Director, Energy Probe -- presentation
Robert Tessier, President and CEO, Gaz Métro -- presentation
Murray Elston, President and CEO, Canadian Nuclear Association -- presentation
Ken Pereira, Executive Vice President, Operations Branch, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission -- presentation

Wednesday, May 17: Environmental Issues - The interface between environmental approvals and regulatory approvals
Louis-André Leclerc, Lawyer, Lavery De Billy - Avocats -- presentation
Jean-Claude Bouchard, President, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency -- presentation

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