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> Calendar of Events for Oral Hearings


Schedule of Upcoming Oral Hearings
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Archive of applications received


2005 Applications


2004 Applications


2003 Applications


2002 Applications


2001 Applications


2000 Applications

Regulatory Calendar

The regulatory calendar was developed to provide information about the Board’s current activities. The purpose is to allow stakeholders and the public access to up-to-date information on all activities before the Board in a transparent and timely fashion. Activities are categorized into Key Initiatives and Applications.


Key Initiatives

Key Initiatives are active and future policy activities the Board is undertaking (ie, proceedings, consultations and working groups)



Applications are a listing of active applications before the Board, and applications that regulated entities expect to file with the Board in the near future. The Active and Future Applications sections are grouped by energy type: Gas or Electricity, and then sorted by the applicant's name (By Applicant) or category of application (By Category). Note:

  • Active Applications are updated daily. Active Applications show dates ("events") when the Board issues certain regulatory documents: Procedural Orders, Notices of Application, Notices of Proposal, Notices of Review and Notices of Written Hearing.
  • Future Applications are updated quarterly. The timelines in Future Applications are based on a fiscal year calendar from April to March, with quartiles defined as follows: Q1 - April to June; Q2 - July to September; Q3 - October to December; Q4 - January to March.


Natural Gas Applications
Electricity Applications


This information is provided as a public service. Although we endeavor to ensure that the information is as current and accurate
as possible, errors do occasionally occur. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.
Readers should where possible verify the information before acting on it. External Links Disclaimer

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This page last updated February 9, 2006 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
Copyright information: © Queens Printer for Ontario, 2002