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Ontario Power Generation Inc. – Determining Payment Amounts for Prescribed Generation Assets (EB-2006-0064)

Under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, the Board will determine the payments to be made to Ontario Power Generation Inc. (“OPG”) with respect to the output of certain of OPG’s generation facilities that currently receive payments set by regulation. The prescribed generation facilities are the nuclear generating stations operated by OPG (Pickering and Darlington) and OPG’s baseload hydroelectric generation facilities (De Cew I, De Cew II, Sir Adam Beck I, Sir Adam Beck II, Sir Adam Beck pumped generating station and R.H. Saunders).

The Board’s authority to determine payment amounts for the prescribed generation facilities commences on April 1, 2008. The Board has initiated a process to establish the methodology by which those payments will be determined and ultimately to determine the payment amounts.




Nov 30-06

Today, the Board issued its report on the regulatory methodology that it will use to determine payments for the output from Ontario Power Generation’s prescribed generation assets. The report, “A Regulatory Methodology for Setting Payment Amounts for the Prescribed Generation Assets of Ontario Power Generation Inc. (EB-2006-0064)” , is posted on the Board’s website under the Major Initiatives section

Oct 24-06

Today, the Board Secretary posted a letter to all participants in the Board’s process for determining a regulatory methodology for setting payments for output from OPG’s prescribed generation assets (EB-2006-0064). The letter addresses issues regarding the OPA’s October 2, 2006 submission on the Oral Presentations, intervenor funding and the release date of the Board’s decision.

Oct 6-06

Today, Board staff posted comments from interested parties on the submissions and presentations at the September 15th Oral Presentations Session on Setting Payments for Output from OPG’s Prescribed Assets.

Sep 8-06

Today, Board staff posted presentation materials from stakeholders and interested parties that are participating in the September 15th Oral Presentations on the Board’s methodology for setting payments for Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s prescribed generation assets (EB-2006-0064).

Aug 29-06

On August 22, 2006, Energy Probe filed a letter with the Board posing a number of questions regarding the process that will be followed during the oral presentation phase scheduled for September 15, 2006. This letter provides clarification generally in relation to the process and, in so doing, provides clarification in relation to Energy Probe’s specific questions.

Aug 17-06

As stated in the letter posted on August 10, a set of questions has been prepared to guide participants in preparing their presentations for the meeting to be held September 15, 2006.

Aug 15-06

Today, Board staff posted reply submissions that have been received from interested parties with respect to the Staff Discussion paper, “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets”.

Aug 10-06

Today the Ontario Energy Board announced that it will hold a one day session allowing interested parties to make oral presentations to the Board on issues associated with the Board’s selection of a methodology for setting payment amounts for the output from OPG’s prescribed generation assets. The presentations will build on the written submissions received in EB 2006-0064 and allow for clarification and elaboration of positions.

Jul 28-06

Today, Board staff posted comments that have been received to date from stakeholders and interested parties on the final version of the Staff Discussion paper, “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets”.

Jul 10-06

The Board Secretary posted a letter to interested parties on how to submit comments on the Staff Discussion Paper – “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets” – that was posted on the Board website on July 6, 2006

Jul 6-06

Board staff issued the final version of the Staff Discussion paper – “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets”. Interested parties are urged to make written submissions to the Board Secretary by July 24, 2006.

Jul 6-06

Comments on Draft 2 of the Staff Discussion Paper. The submissions are from the following interested parties:

Jun 29-06

The Board Secretary has sent a letter to all interested parties with details about activities eligible for cost awards.

Jun 28-06

To give full consideration to comments received from interested parties, Board staff will post the final version of the staff Discussion Paper, “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets”, on July 6, 2006, not June 30, 2006 as originally announced.

Jun 21-06

Board staff issued today two reports for the OPG Prescribed Generation Assets project: Draft 2 of the Staff Discussion Paper – “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Assets” and a report prepared by London Economics International, LLC – “Alternatives for Regulating Prices Associated With Output From Designated Generation Assets”. Interested parties should send comments on the Discussion Paper to Board staff by June 28, 2006.

Jun 16-06

Board staff presentation to interested parties on June 16, 2006:

Jun 15-06

The release of Draft 2 of the staff Discussion Paper – “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets” - has been delayed. Board staff expect it to be posted on the website by early next week. The plenary discussion session on Friday, June 16th will proceed as scheduled (9 a.m. to noon at the Board offices). At this session, Board staff will present a summary of staff recommendations that will be included in Draft 2.

Jun 9-06

Board staff advise interested parties that the release of draft two of the Board staff Discussion Paper - “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets” will be delayed. A previous “What’s New” posting indicated the paper would be available by June 12th. The paper will be posted shortly after June 12th.

The plenary discussion session on June 16th at the Board offices remains as scheduled.

Jun 8-06

Today the Board posted comments from interested parties on draft one of the Board staff Discussion Paper – “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets".

Comments were received from:

Jun 5-06

Board staff are hosting a second plenary discussion session for Draft 2 of the Staff Discussion Paper: “Regulatory Options for Setting Payments for the Output from OPG’s Prescribed Generation Assets” (EB-2006-0064). This session is scheduled for June 16, 2006 in the Board’s Main Boardroom at 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 2700 beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing to noon.

Draft 2 of the Discussion Paper will be posted on the Board’s website on June 12, 2006.

May 19-06

The Board has posted copies of three presentations by Ontario Power Generation Inc. to the meeting of interested parties on May 19, 2006. This meeting was held to discuss the first draft of the Board staff Discussion Paper.

May 18-06

The Board has issued its Cost Eligibility Order in relation to the consultative portion of this proceeding. Appendix A to the Order sets out a list of all participants in this proceeding.

Additional Materials:

May 8-06

The first draft of Board staff’s Discussion Paper on the regulatory options for setting payments for Ontario Power Generation Inc.’s prescribed generation assets has been issued for comment.

Apr 27-06

The Board issued a letter identifying the release dates for the various drafts of Board staff’s Discussion Paper on the regulatory options for setting payments for Ontario Power Generation Inc’s prescribed generation assets.

Mar 21-06

The Board issued a “kick-off” letter outlining the process that it intends to follow in determining payment amounts for OPG’s prescribed generation assets. The letter also addresses the issue of cost awards.


For more information please contact Russell Chute at 416-440-7682 or by e-mail at russell.chute@oeb.gov.on.ca.

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