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Regulated Price Plan (RP-2004-0205) - Final RPP Variance Settlement Amount

On April 1, 2005, the Board’s Regulated Price Plan (the “RPP” or "price plan") came into effect. As of July 1, 2005, a consumer who leaves the RPP will either pay or receive a “final RPP variance settlement amount”. This amount will reflect the consumer’s share of any accumulated variance between the actual price paid to generators and the forecast price paid by price plan consumers. If consumers have been paying more for electricity than was paid to generators, this amount will be a credit. If consumers have been paying less, it will be a charge. The variance account that tracks the difference is held by the Ontario Power Authority (the “OPA”).

The “final RPP variance settlement amount” applies to a price plan consumer who: (1) cancels their account and moves outside of the Province of Ontario; (2) switches to a retailer; or (3) elects the spot market pricing option; or (4) No longer remain eligible for the Regulated Price Plan. This amount will be referred to as “RPP settlement” on the electricity bills of applicable consumers and will be calculated by the consumer’s distributor. The distributor will multiply the applicable “final RPP variance settlement factor” by the individual consumer’s consumption over the most recent 12 months.

In calculating the final RPP variance settlement amount for consumers leaving the price plan, distributors will use the final RPP variance settlement factor that is in effect (posted on this Web page) on the date of the consumer’s final meter read. Therefore, due to the time lag between a meter read and billing, the factor used in the calculation may be different from the value that appears on this Web page when the consumer receives their bill. A Compliance Bulletin discusses this matter in further detail.

What does the current “Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor” mean to a residential consumer that leaves the Regulated Price Plan?

An RPP consumer using an average of 1,000 kWh per month would have to pay $15.88 if they left the RPP. [1,000 (kWh/month) x 12 (months) = 12,000 kWh x $0.001323 per kWh = $15.88]

An RPP consumer using an average of 750 kWh per month would have to pay $11.91 if they left the RPP. [750 (kWh/month) x 12 (months) = 9,000 kWh x $0.001323 per kWh = $11.91]

The table below shows the current “final RPP variance settlement factor”. The information on this Web page will be updated by the OEB on a monthly basis. It will be used for billing purposes by electricity distributors and retailers (using retailer-consolidated billing) for consumers who left the price plan. When the OPA has paid more to generators than has been paid by consumers, the RPP settlement is a charge and these values will not be shown in brackets in the table below. It will be a credit to consumers when these values are shown in brackets.

The Board has calculated the “final RPP variance settlement factor” by dividing the balance in the OPA’s variance account by the total consumption of all price plan consumers over the most recent 12 months. An estimate of the “OPG Rebate” currently attributable to price plan consumers has been taken into account in this calculation by subtracting it from the OPA variance account balance to arrive at a “net” variance account balance.


Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor (posted on December 15, 2006)4

(To see previous Settlement Factors, click here)

Net Variance Account Balance (accumulated OPA variance account balance less the estimated “OPG Rebate”)3



Total RPP consumption for most recent 12 months (December 2005 to November 2006)



Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor 1



(1) The "final RPP variance settlement factor" is shown in both cents/kWh and $/kWh to accommodate different billing systems. Both are links to a CSV file that distributors and retailers can automatically download into their billing systems.

(2) When values are shown in brackets the RPP settlement is a credit.

(3) The “OPG Rebate” is the difference, if any, between the revenue limit for some OPG generators and the price they would have received in the IESO wholesale spot market. It applies to electricity consumption between May 1, 2006 and May 31, 2007 . It is also referred to as the "Ontario Non-Prescribed Asset (ONPA) Rebate”. As a price plan consumer, you do not see the “OPG Rebate” on your bill because an estimate of this rebate is already included in the “Electricity” line of your bill.

(4) As at November 30, 2006.


For general information about the price plan, click here.

If you have questions regarding implementation issues, please e-mail the details to the Market Operations hotline at the following address market.operations@oeb.gov.on.ca or by phone at 416-440-7604. For information regarding policy matters related to RPP, please contact Chris Cincar at 416-440-7696, Russell Chute at 416-440-7682 or by e-mail RPP@oeb.gov.on.ca. The Board’s toll free number is 1-877-632-2727.

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This page last updated December 15, 2006 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
Copyright information: © Queens Printer for Ontario, 2002