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OEB Resource Guide


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Guide Links:

Welcome to the OEB Resource Guide

Quick facts about the Ontario Energy Board (OEB)

Energy Sector Regulation: A Brief Look

The OEB and You: What and How We Regulate

Understanding the Adjudication Process

Inside the OEB: Who Does What?

Reference Documents


OEB Contacts

Getting to know the Ontario Energy Board - Resource Guide for Regulated Entities

We’ve developed this Resource Guide as part of our commitment to work with you, our stakeholders, to be a helpful and responsible regulator. It is a plain-language reference tool outlining why, what and how we regulate. Our goal is to help you better understand the OEB and our processes so you can manage the regulatory requirements you face in the most efficient and effective way.

Ontario’s energy sector has undergone dramatic changes in the past decade, particularly in the electricity field. A series of new laws and regulations were put in place to help our province better respond to energy challenges and build a stronger, more viable and dynamic sector. These measures have meant significant changes for all involved. For example:

  • We at the OEB have been given much broader powers and new responsibilities by the Government of Ontario;
  • Market participants must comply with a host of new rules and processes required by provincial legislation; and
  • Consumers have been given the opportunity to choose among energy commodity options.

It is also a pivotal time in our province’s energy history, where conservation is taking a more prominent role and new technologies are being explored and implemented.

This is a new experience for everyone in the industry as well as us here at the OEB. We know there are many questions about our expanded role and what it means to you. And we’re sensitive to the demands that being regulated places on your organization; in particular, the requirements of dealing with an adjudicative process.

We hope you find the Guide useful – please let us know what you think by emailing us at market.operations@oeb.gov.on.ca.

Quick facts about the Ontario Energy Board (OEB)


The OEB is the regulator of Ontario’s natural gas and electricity sectors.


The OEB envisions a healthy and efficient energy sector with informed consumers served by responsive regulatory processes that are effective, fair and transparent.


Our key regulatory functions include:


To conduct many of our regulatory functions, such as approving rates and the construction of facilities, we mainly operate as a quasi-judicial (court-like) tribunal. Through oral and written public hearings, as well as other, more informal processes such as technical conferences, working groups and written consultations, we strive to balance the needs of all our stakeholders, including energy consumers, the firms we regulate and society overall.


The OEB reviews and processes hundreds of applications annually – ranging from routine licensing requests that can be processed quickly to complex rate-change applications that require lengthy processes, including public hearings, that can take up to a year to complete.


Based in Toronto, the OEB is an independent, self-financing Crown corporation.

This information is provided as a public service. Although we endeavor to ensure that the information is as current and accurate
as possible, errors do occasionally occur. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.
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This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada

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This page last updated June 17, 2005 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
Copyright information: © Queens Printer for Ontario, 2002