Changes In
Fuel-Price Regulation
To Reflect
Updated Storage And Distribution Costs
~ Documentation ~

Press Release / Notices
PUB Press Release: August 11, 2006
PUB Backgrounder: August 11, 2006
Questions and Answers Relating to Implementation of Storage and Distribution Study: August 11, 2006

Zone Designation Changes August 2006
Impact of Updates to S&D; Costs on Maximum Prices for Automotive Fuels
Impact of Updates to S&D; Costs on Maximum Prices for Distillate Home Heating Fuels (Furnace / Stove Oil)
Impact of Updates to S&D; Costs on Maximum Prices for Propane Used for Home Heating Purposes

Maps and Zone Descriptions
Automotive Fuels - Pricing Zones
Heating Fuels - Pricing Zones
Propane - Pricing Zones

Reports / Studies
A Study Of Storage and Distribution Costs for Petroleum Products Throughout NL - May 2005

Petroleum Products Review - Main Page

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