Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


April 10, 2000




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Child Friendly Courts, Swift Trials

Featured In Six-point Plan

Child friendly courtrooms and waiting rooms, specialized prosecutors, a process for early trial dates and enhanced child victim support services are among highlights of the Child Victim Support Initiative announced today by Attorney General Gord Mackintosh.

"The justice system has a special responsibility to treat child victims of crime with sensitivity and compassion. Children are the most vulnerable participants in the system," Mackintosh said. "We must also take all the available steps to ensure that the evidence presented in cases where children are victimized is the strongest possible."

Under the comprehensive, six-point initiative, Manitoba children who are victims of crime will be entitled to:

The initiative is expected to cost up to $100,000 in 2000- 2001, Mackintosh added.

"This co-ordinated initiative is our response to many shortcomings identified in child victim cases. If we are going to protect children and reduce further trauma to child victims, we must operate differently. It is a significant shift in our practices and will put Manitoba at the forefront in Canada in dealing respectfully and effectively with child victims."

Mackintosh noted that improving policies and practices involving child victims is only one part of the government's overall child- centred philosophy. Other new initiatives such as Healthy Child and Neighbourhoods Alive! will focus on prevention with proactive, community-based programs in the areas of health, education, housing, recreation and safety.

"Our intentions are clear: to refocus and develop government initiatives that will make our province a healthy place for children and their families to live, learn, work and play," said Mackintosh, a member of the cabinet committees of Healthy Child and Neighbourhoods Alive! "The health and well-being of our children is a top priority."

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Manitoba Justice

Child Victim Support Initiative

April 10, 2000


The justice system has a special responsibility to treat child victims of crime - the most vulnerable participants in our criminal justice system - with sensitivity and to take all available steps to ensure their safety through strong and effective prosecutions. The Child Victim Support Initiative is a co-ordinated and comprehensive plan to create a specialized criminal justice system response to crimes against children.

The six-point Initiative is the first comprehensive plan of its kind in Canada. Some parts of the Initiative are new while some are enhancements to existing practices. The Initiative also represents an incremental approach; the department will assess which aspects of the Initiative are most effective for broader application in the future.

As this Initiative develops, any family whose child is the unfortunate victim of a sexual assault, or violence where an element of abuse is present, will know that the government is committed to support the child through each stage of the court process and within the community, and to vigorously pursue successful prosecutions.


  1. Child friendly waiting rooms and courtrooms

Waiting rooms and courtrooms will be established or modified to meet the unique needs of child victims, and technology will be used to support the child victim, whenever appropriate and feasible. Each child will be given every support that the physical environment can provide while awaiting or going though the court process in their community. The child will not be required to have unnecessary contact with the accused.


  1. Specialized and resource prosecutors and augmented legal training


  1. Swift justice

When a child has been a victim of a criminal offence, the case will be moved through the court system as quickly as possible. This is what the Department of Justice will do:


  1. Stronger evidence

Every effort to support the child victim through the difficult court process needs to be paired with efforts to ensure that all evidence is as strong as possible and will contribute to a successful and effective prosecution.


  1. Enhanced child victim support service

The Child Victim Support Service (formerly Child Witness Support Program), in cooperation with the crown attorney, is responsible for identifying children's fears in relation to the court experience, alleviating them, educating the children about the court process, assisting the children to develop coping skills for their appearance in court, providing short term counseling and advocating for the child victim. A number of enhancements to the Service are being introduced.


  1. Child-centered approaches to sentencing and enhanced probation protocol