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"Efficiency Manitoba" Presentation PDF Format "Efficiency Manitoba" is the working title for a new, innovative agency created by the Province of Manitoba to help Manitobans cut their energy and water bills and decrease the amount of waste destined for landfills.  The new agency will be a "one-stop shop" building on the success of the Manitoba Hydro PowerSmart Program and will integrate and expand conservation in electricity, natural gas, water, and waste. 

New! December 2, 2003
pdf "Efficiency Manitoba" Presentation, (24 Slides; 2915 KB)


Hydrogen Report Low resolution version 611 KB Hydrogen is clean, available and renewable and may be the "ultimate fuel of the future."  Resulting technologies, products & services may create a range of new economic opportunities. In anticipation, Manitoba has begun to develop a hydrogen economic development strategy.

pdf Preliminary Hydrogen Opportunities Report - Low res. version - 611 KB
pdf Preliminary Hydrogen Opportunities Report - High res. version - 7,365 KB
pdf Cover alone: 266 KB


Ethanol Brochure 758 KB For some quick facts on ethanol and what it means for Manitoba, check out our Developing Manitoba's Ethanol Industry brochure.

New! April 23, 2003
pdf Is Your Region Geared for Ethanol Production? (642 KB)

New! April 16, 2003
pdf Ag-Ethanol Strategy Report - 33 KB
pdf Ethanol & the Environment - Fact Sheet (9 KB)

pdf Report done for the federal government on producing ethanol from wheat - Natural Resources Canada (907 KB)

pdf Developing Manitoba's Ethanol Industry:
Consulting Manitobans - Maximizing the Benefits Brochure (758 KB)

Ethanol Advisory Panel Report Low resolution version


The Manitoba Ethanol Advisory Panel Report contains a number of recommendations on how the province can develop the ethanol industry in Manitoba.

Ethanol Advisory Panel Report
pdf 1) Low resolution version (3,075 KB)
pdf 2) High resolution version (24,441 KB)


Manitoba's Power For Business brochure

Top of the page

Take a look at at how Manitoba can "Power you Business"
Powered by Manitobas' reliable, renewable and low cost electricity, business here have a clear competitive advantage.

pdf Manitoba's Power for Business Brochure - High resolution version (6,214 KB)


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