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Healthy Child Manitoba

Healthy Schools

Home > Provincial Campaigns

LeafProvincial Campaigns

We fund schools to undertake projects that support an important health and wellness issue.

For each campaign, we make $100 available to schools in Manitoba. The schools must undertake an activity or project that increases awareness of the specified health issue.

The goals of each campaign are to:

  • engage people in Healthy Schools

  • ensure that Healthy Schools funding is made available to all participating schools across the province

  • increase awareness of the specified health issue

See the table below for past and future campaigns:

Provincial Campaigns

Feb/Mar 2003 Safety & Injury Prevention
Sept/Oct 2003 Physical Activity
Mar/Apr 2004 Healthy Eating
Feb/Mar 2005 Mental Health
Nov/Dec 2005 Active Living
Apr/May 2006 Bike, Water and Farm Safety
Sept/Oct 2006 Mental Wellness PDF
For more information about
Healthy Schools, please contact:

Healthy Schools
Phone:  (204) 788-6679




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